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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367 Claustrophobia

I desperately clung to the driver’s seat, trying to prevent myself from falling. A suffocating sense of despair overwhelmed me at that moment.

As the car was about to flip over, it jerked back into position with a thud. The impact made my injured foot hit something, giving me a piercing pain. My vision darkened, and my ears rang as I hugged my legs.

I didn’t know what would happen next. I could only think about not dying in the car. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting, “Chloe?! Stop it, all of you! Chlo!”

I knew it was Ryan’s voice. Despairingly, I yelled, “Leave me! Go!”

I sensed two groups fighting, constantly tugging the car but no longer causing it to tip over. I curled into a ball to protect my legs and prayed for the disaster to end.

Heavy objects crashed into the car, causing me to tremble. A long while later, someone called my name. and knocked on the car window. “Chloe, it’s okay! Open the door!”

I recognized Ryan’s voice and nervously obeyed. He climbed into the car, and I threw myself into him in a


“Don’t be afraid. The cops are here.” Ryan held me and patted my back. I shivered uncontrollably but held back my tears. I buried my face in his chest and tried to compose myself as tears welled in my eyes.

Ryan stroked my back. “It’s okay, Chloe. I’m sorry for leaving your


“Ryan, I was gripping

You’d get hurt if you returned. I’m okay. Those people were crazy.” I q

his hand. I was still shaking because of the recent harrowing experiences.


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