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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Clarity

Harmony saw me laughing and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing because you’re too self–absorbed. I suggest you pay attention to others for a change. As for the rooftop incident, I wouldn’t dwell on it.

“The press conference made things pretty clear. You should read those reports if you don’t understand. As for my feelings for Atlas, I just have one question for you. How does Atlas treat you?”

I intentionally asked this question, knowing Harmony would think I was prying into

her lif


Sure enough, her eyes narrowed. “That is between me and him. I’m asking about your thoughts, so don’t

deflect the conversation.”

I studied her, feeling some regret. How could such a lovely face be paired with such a closed–off mind?

“You’re always seeking my opinion and information. It shows a lack of confidence on your part.”

I used provocative language because this dimwit couldn’t resist a challenge.

“What confidence do I lack? I mean, let’s be real. The online haters have a point. Can you honestly picture


yourself with Atlas?”

Harmony was nervous but eager to put me down.

“It depends on the competition. If he’s into someone like you, it shows his taste isn’t that great,” I replied.

So why shouldn’t I get a shot? Just because I have a history and a daughter?”

“Have some self–awareness, Chloe,” she said disdainfully. Who are you to even ask me? Saving me

doesn’t make me obligated to be nice to you.”

“Don’t assume that I’m done just because I saved you. Look, I would’ve done the same for anyone. I


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