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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374 Like Mother, Like Son

As I was leaving the hospital lobby, I spotted Melanie entering, cradling a child. Walking beside her was woman, heavily made–up and dressed provocatively. She must be Melanie’s recently reconnected

mother, Abby.


My gaze swept over her, thinking that Abby had successfully re–entered Melanie’s life. I could not help but sigh. After all, nothing beats a mother’s love.

This time, Grace is in for a rough ride. I wanted to ignore them, but Melanie had already spotted me.

“Chloe!” She immediately called out in anger then swiftly walked toward me.

It’s been

n over a

a month since the party, and this was my first time seeing her. I had heard from Johnson that Abby had been hospitalized after a brutal beating from Melanie. It seemed like she had recovered.

I stopped in my tracks but was too tired to muster any attitude toward her. I calmly asked, “What do you


“You live life to the fullest, huh?” Her small eyes looked at Ryan as she spoke sarcastically. “Every day is like a soap opera with you. You change men like you change clothes! You found a new lover, have you?”

She actually knew Ryan, and her snide tone was meant to provoke me.

“Yeah,” I casually replied. She was only looking for trouble, and I did not want to deal with her.

Suddenly, her temper flared up. “Hah… How shameless. You’re so quick to admit it as well!”

Her loud outburst immediately drew the crowd’s attention in the hospital lobby.

“Don’t waste your energy here. Save some energy for your child.” I said, glancing at the child in her arms.

This was the first time I had seen this child. He had fair skin and looked slightly over three months old. He resembled Melanie a lot. People say sons take after their mothers, and I believed it.


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