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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388 A Trap Lies Ahead

I glanced at them triumphantly and dropped my smile as I turned and left. I felt a deep sense of pain and

blamed myself for being forceful.

I laughed at myself and felt exhausted. I gritted my teeth as I entered the room. I took a deep breath, not wanting anyone to see me so miserable. As I composed myself, Hana approached and handed me her


She glanced at it and shook her head helplessly. She seemed to be speechless about something. I swiped through a few times and then looked at her. “Can you sort out this information if I call for a meeting now?”

“Yes,” she replied confidently. 1

to any more ti

“How long do you need?” I asked. I didn’t want to on this issue. Engaging with them

would only ruin my mood, and I had more important things to do.

“Not long. Anywhere with a computer will do,” Hana said, her confident look making me feel comfortable.

I thought even women could be charming and capable.

I nodded approvingly. “Good. Ask Harmony if she has other requirements. Double–check with her if you got all of her suggestions. I’ll deal with her today.”

Hana was astute when she heard my words. She smiled, saying, “I know what you mean.”

My impression of Hana was excellent. The first time she came to my office, I felt an inexplicable

closeness to her. It felt like she was a long–lost sister. I wanted to get to know her more, but she was

from Yare, and we didn’t have much in common.

Sometimes, I mocked myself, wondering if I was too kind or lonely. Whenever I saw a kind and beautiful person, I felt close to them. Upon calming down, I realized that wasn’t the case for everyone.


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