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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 423

Chapter 423 The Car Is Missing We got into the car together, and it sped off.

Though I felt a sense of safety, my heart was still racing.

Ava had never been separated from someone she knew.

Now, she was being taken somewhere unknown.

She must be frightened.

I felt my heart crush as I trembled uncontrollably.

My precious girl! Would she be scared? Would anything happen to her? I prayed silently.

My darling, be strong.

Mommy will find you, and Uncle Atlas won't let anything happen to you.

Atlas's arm wrapped me, holding me close and gently patting my arm.

The car raced to the motor vehicle department.

We all exited quickly.

There were already people waiting there.

No one said more than necessary.

Dylan communicated with them, checking every car that left Amethyst Apartments during that period.

On the large screen in the hall, cars kept flashing by.

I was so nervous that it felt like I couldn't breathe.

I had no idea which one my daughter was in in this sea of cars.

Suddenly, Dylan shouted, "Stop!" We all turned to the screen.

There it was, a black commercial car, speeding away from Amethyst Apartments.

Dylan was slightly relieved as he pointed at the vehicle.

"This is it.

Track its movements!" The people in the hall were busy tracing the car's path, which appeared in various frames.

At first, I could still see the car heading west toward the suburbs.

The timing matched.

I tightly clasped my hands together, my eyes fixed on that car.

My precious girl was in there.


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