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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 The Coctail Event

With that thought in mind, I called Ivanna and asked about the coat. She exclaimed, “Oh, I forgot it’s still at the dry cleaners!”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick it up myself,” I hung up and was about to get up when I remembered not having Atlas’s number.

I sat back down and searched for it on my laptop but failed. I couldn’t find a trace of Atlas. It seemed he wasn’t a significant figure at ATL Empire. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be this elusive.

As I recall, his presence and charisma were extraordinary. However, for a company as big as ATL Empire, anyone they hired wouldn’t be lacking.

Before I could figure out how to get Atlas’s number, I received a call from Matthew, asking me to come to

his office.

When I arrived, I realized he wanted me to cross–reference the information from my last visit to ATL

Empire. I explained things to him, ensuring we left no stone unturned. After all, this was a significant deal,

and Tanum Corporation was my brainchild.

I couldn’t allow any actions that contradicted Tanum Corporation’s development. I specifically reminded

Matthew to focus on the exclusive new product line.

Before I could finish explaining. Johnson entered and reported to Matthew. He mentioned an industry

association cocktail event after receiving an invitation and a attendees list.

I glanced at the list and hatched a brilliant plan. It was an excellent opportunity since many major companies were on the list, so I volunteered to accompany Matthew to the event. Although he wasn’t

keen on the idea, I insisted on broadening my horizons.


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