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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 A Subtle Battle

I was surprised to see him. Wasn’t he supposed to be in Operose for business? Why was he here now

rather than in the arms of his mistress?

I remained silent, observing him. He smiled softly and asked, “Honey, what should we have for lunch?

“I haven’t decided yet!” I replied casually, showing no hint of surprise.

He walked closer. “We talked until really late last night. I rushed back this morning because I didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t even have time for breakfast. Let’s go for an early lunch, and we’ll have whatever you

want. It’s on me!”

I watched him act charmingly. Oddly enough, I couldn’t get angry. It was as if I were having a different pleasure, a sensation.

Out of nowhere, I thought about Atlas.

“Did you drink?” He asked, probably noticing the scent around me. But he did not smell like alcohol

himself, despite attending a late–night social gathering.

“Yeah.” I said, “How about the Italian restaurant opposite Glenmarie Plaza?”

His eyes narrowed briefly, then he nodded, “Sure, whatever my wife wants!”

Life was full of dramatic twists. I had not expected to see Lauren as soon as we entered the restaurant. When I saw her again, I paid close attention to her. She was dressed elegantly in a fashionable knit dress.

She wasn’t an ordinary competitor in this game.

I had a secret satisfaction when I thought about Melanie’s shallowness. This game appeared to be

stacked in my favor.

Seeing her again today gave me a good feeling. She could be of use to me.

Matthew was surprisingly open about introducing me, and I lowered my guard, politely greeting her.

After we sat down, I commented to Matthew. “Ms. Burton seems to be a very competent person. I’m quite impressed with her!”

“Being overly cunning is not necessarily a good thing for a woman,” Matthew replied casually. “I prefer someone like my honey–understanding and virtuous.”

Are you saying I’m foolish?” I addressed his comment.

ghed, reaching out to pinch my nose. “Silly girl, who were you drinking with last night?”


“Who do you think?” I countered. “Besides, you stayed out too. I need to entertain myself when you’re

away on business trips!”

I spoke lightly, as if the topic wasn’t a big deal. However, my mind wandered to Atlas.

“I won’t be on business trips often. It was an exceptional situation yesterday!” he explained. “Where were

you guys drinking?”


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