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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Denied Access

I entered the factory gates only to be stopped by a stern security guard. I told him I wanted to meet with


The security guard scrutinized me and said, “Mr. Fred isn’t here. He’s currently on a business trip.

“Could you tell me where he went?” I asked anxiously because my time in the city was limited.

“I wouldn’t know,” he said with a sour attitude.

“Could you at least give me his phone number? I’ve come from out of town and just need to call him.”

After what happened four years ago, I didn’t keep Fred’s contact information.

“I don’t have it,” he replied curtly. “What do you want with him?”

“I’m here to discuss a business partnership!”

“You can talk to the marketing department for that. Do you really need to meet the boss? We get many

people like you who just waste our time. Just get out of here!”

It was unbelievable that such a large factory would hire someone so rude. The rain was getting heavier,

and I started shivering.

Suddenly, I noticed phone numbers for different departments on the security guard’s desk. Swallowing

my pride, I asked, “Please, I’ve come a long way. Could you at least give me some hot water? I’ll leave

right after.”

“Enough with your tricks. I don’t have any hot water for you. Get going,” he said, pushing me outside. I

almost stumbled, and he slammed the gate behind me.

My umbrella was too small for the heavy rain. Although I was soaked halfway through, my heart felt


I looked around. The cab that brought me had already left, and I would have to walk a long way to catch

another one back. My only option was to stand against the wall.

I didn’t want to go home like this, but Matthew would suspect something if I spent too much time in the

city. I needed to keep him from discovering my move.

Although I was soaked to the bone, I kept hoping someone from the factory would emerge. Just getting


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