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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 623

We stayed until late, and Ava's eyelids were already fighting to stay open. I quickly bid farewell to everyone, intending to take the two little ones home to rest. However, Ava refused to leave, no matter what.

"I don't want to go. Uncle Atlas said we should wait for him to come back." Ava stubbornly looked at me, pouting.

"Uncle Atlas may have urgent matters to attend to and could be back very late. He may not be able to come to pick us up. You and Jenny have school tomorrow."

"No! Uncle Atlas keeps his promises. I believe he'll come to pick us up!" She avoided my hand and ran away, saying, "I want Uncle Atlas to pick me up!"

It was clear that she was starting to get sleepy and uncooperative.

I felt somewhat helpless. This child had been spoiled. When I took care of her alone, she was obedient. But now she seemed too reliant on the pampering.

Just as I was about to take a firmer stance, the doorbell rang. Ava immediately exclaimed and ran to the door, "Uncle Atlas? Uncle Atlas is back!”

She ran to the door, tiptoed to open it, and then exclaimed, "Uncle Atlas! I knew you'd keep your word! I've been waiting for you! Let's go home now!"

Atlas had a warm expression as he picked her up. "Of course, I keep my promises. Let's go home."

I looked at Atlas with a wry smile. "You're the one who spoiled her! She's becoming difficult to handle now."

"She's not a puppet. Ava is a thoughtful child, right?" Atlas said indulgently, pinching her little nose.

"Yes! I'm very smart!" She replied, her blinking slowing down.

I turned and picked up the somewhat sleepy Jenny. Since she came to my house, I have also treated her like a daughter.

Jenny was older than Ava and a bit heavier. By the time we got downstairs, I was a bit exhausted.

Seeing me struggling, Atlas laughed and quickly took Jenny from me. "I'll help. Let's go together."

Jenny understood and said, "I can walk by myself. I'm grown up now."


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