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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Dying in Glory Is Better Than Living in Dishonor

Ivanna looked at me sympathetically while I stared back. I was trying hard not to cry.

“Chlo, don’t be upset. We’re in this together now,” she said, trying to console me. My eyes welled up with

tears, and I rushed into the bathroom.

I quickly texted Johnson, washed my face, and returned to the room.

“What should we do?” I asked, my voice trembling. “H–I’m ready to do whatever it takes. I don’t care about

my pride anymore.”

Tears streamed down my face, and I felt utterly helpless.

Suddenly, Matthew’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen, then hurriedly answered.

Although I couldn’t hear what was said, I saw him turn pale. Then he said through trembling lips, “I understand.”

After hanging up, Matthew’s head bowed in defeat. Ivanna shot me a glance, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

He lifted his head and said, “I need to step out for a moment. I’ll be back soon. Ivanna, please stay with Chlo. I have something to take care of.”

“Where are you going?” I asked with a hint of displeasure.

“Just a quick errand. I’ll be back in no time. Don’t worry, okay?” He then turned and left.

When I heard Matthew go down the stairs, I made a quick phone call, but the line was busy.

Ivanna whispered to me, “What’s he going to do? He didn’t even finish explaining. Why did he leave so suddenly?

“Don’t worry, I’ve lit a fire under him. He’s determined to make amends,” I said confidently. I started to eat, but my bitterness showed.

Why don’t I just expose Melanie right now?” Ivanna suggested, watching me closely.

Lot’s wait a little longer,” 3 sald, my tone serious “I’m afraid he’s holding onto something, and I need my

remo card.

can’t believe the mess Can i ever trust in manage again? Ivanna sighed.


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