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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 A Voice Recording

Matthew sent his family away after achieving his objectives. However, I didn’t bother to see them off,

thinking celebrating our wedding anniversary was great for my plan. Since Matthew wanted it to be lively. I would give that to him.

After all, I had nothing to lose because he had tarnished my reputation.

Matthew left for work in high spirits after coaxing me. Immediately after, I called Johnson and asked about the progress.

He said, “Chlo, I did my best, but he won’t reveal his intentions. I couldn’t do anything about that either. I recorded the conversation you wanted and will send it to you soon.

“Also, he knows about your… meet up with Mr. Atlas from ATL Empire. Matthew said…Well, you should listen to the recording yourself.

Johnson hung up and sent me the voice recording. Johnson’s voice sounded first, “Mr. Matthew, the representatives of ATL Empire and another company are meeting for dinner tonight. I have a bad feeling about it.”

“Find out the purpose of the dinner.”

“Will there be any problems with our financial assessment? The assets under Ms. Chloe aren’t that convincing. We’ll be in trouble if they dig deeper. Additionally, our documents won’t be convincing if the bank refuses to cooperate with us.

“After all, the proof of yours and Ms. Chloe’s shared assets is fictitious. Since it’s easy for them to find out about this, it won’t work. Mr. Matthew, I think-”

Matthew interrupted. “You shouldn’t always be this timid. There won’t be any issues with the financial assessment since it’s not the first time we’ve bid on a project.

“Also, we’ve never had problems before, so why would there be a problem this time? Our reported net worth and cash flows align with the company’s model, Matthew sounded slightly impatient as he I continued. “I noticed that Chloe has been acting strange lately

none to follow her and found Chloe had met up with that muy from ATL Empire I think

coche you haven’t been able to find out anything about his linee


“Indeed, Chloe has no ill intentions toward Tanum Corporation, but what about Atlas? Don’t you think it’s strange that we still have nothing on his background? You need to keep digging.

If necessary, hire someone reliable within ATL Empire to spy on him. We can find something about him if he has been in Foswood for some time. I just want to know why Chloe met with him!”


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