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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 A Room Card


He pressed me against the closing door with a resounding thud. A fresh scent filled my nose.

I looked up in alarm, and his perfect face was inches from mine. “Let me see where you’re hurt.”

“What do you think you’re doing? You’re putting me in an awkward position!”

“Where are you hurt?” He insisted, completely disregarding what I had just said.

I reluctantly brushed the hair from my forehead, revealing the wound. He frowned, and then his eyes turned ominously cold, I had never seen him like this before.

I quickly let my hair fall back to cover the wound and feebly said, “It’s nothing!”

His tone turned icy as he said, “Are you out of your mind? You’re saying a wound this size is nothing? Are you a masochist?”

I shot him an incredulous glare but felt an unfathomable sorrow in me.

Atlas narrowed his eyes, his voice softening slightly. “Why didn’t you call me?”

I turned my face slightly away, a touch petulant. “I’m a married woman. What would it mean if I kept calling you? I didn’t want to bother you!”

Before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me into his embrace, his grip firm around my waist. “You’re being stubborn, aren’t you?”


I pouted. This man was incredibly bossy.

How had I gotten involved with him? I knew it wasn’t right, but I couldn’t help wanting to be near him. He was my safe harbor.

The contradiction was clear, and it was a pain that couldn’t be easily dealt with.

“After this is all over, leave him,” he commanded.

I didn’t enjoy being ordered around like this, but strangely, I hoped for his command.

Whenever the thought of leaving crossed my mind, I would see Ava in his arms, calling him “Daddy.”


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