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Big Bad Wolfie novel Chapter 22

•••Jason's POV•••

She does not look happy.

Not one bit.

She's been asleep for barely a few minutes and she already looks in pain.

She told me not to worry about it. She's obviously afraid to sleep because she doesn't want to face her dreams.

Could they be that bad?

All I want to do is go up to her and scoop her up in my arms.

But she wouldn't like that.

Not at all.

So I settled for sitting by her bedside and watching over her.

She's unconscious and there's no one around. I can act as tender as I want to towards her.

I rested my elbows on the bed and sighed, "you've got some real baggage up there don't you?" I commented under my breath.

I was staring at her, and I noticed a little scar on her neck. She has a few of them in other places too. One tiny one under her right eye, and a lower one on her left cheek.

In the dress that exposed her shoulders that I saw her in while she was trying on, I noticed some there too. I couldn't tell how deep they are, but they're not small. That's for sure.

My heart skipped a beat.

My mate has scars on her beautiful skin, quite a few, and those are just the ones I've seen. How could someone so young and beautiful get into a position to get so hurt?

I watched her shoulders, that are now covered in fabric and strands of her colorful hair, intently.

Maybe if I could just, take another look. Maybe I could put my mind at ease if I saw them again and they're not that bad.

My hand itched to move closer.

But what if they are that bad.

I stayed still for a second.

'They're not,' I heard Ki growl.

I heaved out a breath of air. He's probably right.

I still found my hand inching closer to the fabric covering Maria's shoulders.

Maybe if I just —

Maria's groan in her sleep stopped me in my tracks.

She can't be waking up yet, she hasn't gotten nearly enough sleep. I stood stock still and waited a few seconds.

To my relief, she didn't stir any further.

Other than to rub her cheek against my outstretched hand.

My throat constricted.


She sighed, and whatever turmoil that was going on in her mind before, seemed to subside. She rested her head on my hand and leaned into my touch. And I certainly had no plans on pulling my hand away, so we stayed there, for I don't know how long.

***Maria's POV***

My eyes peeled open.

Only to land on a pair of silver cloudy ones in front of me.

Inches in front of me.

Attached to a face and body that are also lying only inches in front of me.

A shirtless body.

"AH!" I jumped when everything really sunk in.

I slept with Wolfie!

Unfortunately, before I could really process much else, my butt slipped from the edge of the bed, and I went tumbling down.

I hopped back up without wasting any time. I found the son of a biscuit resting on his forearm with a, rather judgmental — if I do say so myself — eyebrow raised.

"What the heck are you doing in my bed?!" I screamed at him.

Before he could respond I tacked on, "You better freaking be wearing pants! I swear to —"

"Of course I'm wearing pants," he rolled his eyes.

Relief filled my entire being —

Don't lie, you know it wasn't your entire being, something deep in my psyche chastened.

. . . I don't know who said that, but it wasn't with my permission.

After the fact, I immediately looked down and started patting everything down to make sure I'm wearing pants.

I'm fully clothed.

Just the way I left it.


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