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Birth of a Beauty novel Chapter 19

Li Seulbi was really happy to meet Lu Reyi. She wished other people were like her and she really wanted a sister like Lu Reyi who was loving , kind and understanding.She felt a little envious of Lu San for having such a sister.

Suddenly She heard Lu Reyi voice " Li Seulbi, If you don't mind. Can i ask you a question? "

Li Seulbi was startled for a moment before nodding her head "You can." Lu Reyi came closure to her and pointed toward her neck " That necklace? It is so pretty. Where did you get it from? "

" Necklace?!" Li Seulbi looked at the silver necklace where LS was written.

"Oh this, I know it's weird but Actually i also don't know. I have been wearing this since i was small. It has now become a part of me. I never put it away from me fearing i will lose it. Maybe It has really special meaning for me."Li Seulbi explained as she stared at the necklace with a warm smile.

"Can I see it closely for a moment?..If you don't mind." Lu Reyi asked.

"No, I don't mind at all. Should I take it out for you?" Li Seulbi said as she began to take it out. Lu Reyi stopped her. "Nono, You don't have to. "

She then touched the necklace , flipped it for a while and her eyes slowly brightened up. "Does the LS denote your name 'Li Seulbi'? " She asked. Li Seulbi nodded her head " Umm, We can say that."

"It is so pretty that i couldn't restrain myself from touching it. Li Seulbi, Are you hungry? Wanna eat something before you head home?" asked Lu Reyi suddenly changing topic.

Li Seulbi shook her head "Sister Reyi, I am not hungry. I have already ate at school. Thank you. "

Lu Reyi pouted and patted her shoulder "Kiddo, You don't have to thank me everytime, Okay? Just be casual like ..Friends or your own sister."

She continued "It is also said that 'In friendship there is no sorry and no thankyou'..So, Stop thanking me otherwise you will make me feel sad."

Li Seulbi was touched. She never felt like this way. Beside Su Yumi, there was noone who praised her, cared for her and understood her. Meeting Lu Reyi was like a blessing in disguise. Li Seulbi's eyes became watery .

Seeing this, Lu Reyi was worried" Hey, why are you crying? Okay, You can tell me thanks whenever you want..Just don't cry."

Listening to Lu Reyi, Li Seulbi chuckled. She hugged Lu Reyi and said " Sister Reyi, Why are so good to me?..I mean, We just met not very long ago but you already helped me so much. To tell the truth , I really envy your brother to have such a perfect sister."


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