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Boomerang Love (Naomi and Brendan) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 

Tom glared at Naomi, who chuckled softly. 

Mr. Hunter, the next time you wish to take advantage of someone, I suggest you run some background checks first. You can’t mess with just anyone.” 

It had started as a divorce case. But kidnapping and rape were on a whole other level

Tom finally began to suspect Naomi’s identity after seeing how calm she was. She showed no signs of 


He bit down the pain and asked with a pale face, Who are you? And who’s backing you?” 

Naomi huffed. Will you believe that I’m Brendan Ludwig’s wife?” 

Tom was taken aback and stared at her in disbelief

Brendan Ludwig from Ludwig Corporation? Impossible! I’ve never heard of him being married. You can’t possibly be his wife.” 

Even if Naomi was trying to deceive him, she should have come up with a more convincing lie

How could Brendan’s wife work as a divorce lawyer

Before Tom could complete his sentence, the bedroom door was kicked open

Naomi turned to look and immediately broke out into a smile. You’re here, hubby!” 

Brendan stood at the door. When he saw Naomi without her coat and with another man in the room, his gaze sharpened

If looks could kill, anyone he laid eyes on would be deadeven Tom, who was gripping his groin and 

rolling in pain

When Tom saw Brendan and heard the way Naomi called the latter her husband, he felt his heart turn 


He didn’t even continue calling for help

Brendan glared coldly at Tom before shifting his gaze to Naomi

She quickly dusted her hands off, You’re late. I’ve already dealt with him.” 

Brendan called out warningly, Naomi Goodwin.” 

Naomi acted as if nothing had happened and walked over. Brendan immediately pressed his hand against the back of her neck

As he turned to leave, he glared back at Tom, who was trembling in fear

A moment later, the couple arrived at the yard


Brendan roughly shoved Naomi into the passenger seat

She turned to him and explained, I didn’t mean to leave you hanging today. But I was hindered.” 

Of course, Brendan knew Naomi hadn’t meant to ignore his calls and that she had been kidnapped. Why 

else would he have rushed over

With an icy expression, he turned away from her and ordered, You’re not allowed to work at the law firm 


He had warned her a few days ago that she could cross many people on the job


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