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Boomerang Love (Naomi and Brendan) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

Maximus said, I went to the Goodwin family to propose to you because I saw you arguing with Brendan, and he slapped you. I did so in a show of support for you, so Brendan would realize he wasn’t your only choice.” 

As Maximus mentioned this, Naomi looked up at him. She hadn’t expected him to have witnessed them. arguing, nor for him to have seen Brendan slapping her on the face

In response to Naomi’s surprised expression, Maximus continued, I do like you a lot, Naomi, just as I like Sophia and Bailey

I would’ve done the same if Bailey had been in that situation. Thus, I hope that you and Brendan are happy together.” 

Sophia was Maximussister

As Maximus was speaking, Naomi felt a mix of emotions

It turned out that she had been overthinking all these years

Naomi stared at Maximus for a moment before she smiled and said, Thank you, Maximus.” 

Maximus admired the coastline in front of him. I saw you guys grow up. I hope everyone can be as they 


In reality, Maximus wasn’t much older than them. He was seven years older than Naomi, four years older than Brendan, and two years older than Reuben and Cameron

All things considered, he was still the oldest among them

However, he was the youngest and most promising officer in Ashburgh. Everyone in his family saw him as their pride and joy

After relaxing on the beach for a while with Maximus, his phone rang, signaling that he had tasks to handle. The two returned to their rooms in the resort to rest

Maximusroom was one level above Naomi’s, so she exited the lift before him.. 

Naomi walked along the corridor while tightening her shawl. Then she saw Brendan standing outside her room, speaking on the phone

Upon seeing Naomi return, he hung up swiftly and looked toward her

At the other end of the corridor, Naomi saw that Brendan remained standing in front of her door, as though he was waiting for her. Although she had slowed down at the sight of him, she quickened her footsteps at this realization

She crossed her arms over her shawl as she stopped before Brendan and said, Looking for me? Aren’t you scared you’ll get found out?” 

They were legally married, but Naomi spoke as though they were having an affair

Brendan ignored her words. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and asked, Where have you been?” 

Naomi replied nonchalantly, I went to cheat on you with my lover.” 

Brendan’s expression darkened. Every time he spoke to her, he felt as though he was imminently in need 

of resuscitation

Even so, he didn’t get angry at Naomi. He walked closer to her and questioned, You went to meet 


Naomi tugged at her shawl. Yeah, I met him for a bit.” 

Brendan could no longer hold himself back. He raised his hand and dragged her closer with a hand around her neck

Naomi Goodwin, I’m not fucking dead yet, and you’re already having an affair in front of my very eyes

Naomi raised her head to look at him with a glint of humor in her eyes


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