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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 1578

Chapter 1478 Livid Toby

After Toby finished settling matters at the company, it was already three in the afternoon. In the past few hours, he had hosted a press conference to announce to the public that Fuller Group was accountable for this issue and that they would take full responsibility by compensating the deceased staff's family. As for the amount of compensation, it needed to be discussed and wasn't disclosed to the public as it needed to be prepared according to the law.

Although the mass public was unhappy with Fuller Group for allowing such a mistake to happen, they naturally chose to forgive them on account that they were good at admitting their mistakes and didn't avoid taking responsibility. Hence, the criticism on the internet quickly stopped and peace resumed. Of course, there were still a small number of people who continued to bring up discourse in order to milk the remaining amount of traction from this issue.

Toby only announced publicly that it was Fuller Group's responsibility and only mentioned that it was an accident instead of saying that it was Connor's doing. After all, there were times when some truths needed to be hidden.

"President Fuller." Tom knocked on the door before walking in. He looked at the exhausted man on the chair and placed the documents down before saying, "The deceased's family have already gone back."

"Okay." Toby nodded in understanding. "Tell the legal department to take care of this urgently and compensate the deceased's family as soon as possible to put them at ease."

"I know, sir. I've already informed them," Tom said.

Toby nodded. "That's good."

"Besides, the publicity department is also starting to clean up the negative rumors online. In addition to that, the police are currently closing the case."

Truth be told, the police were aware that this matter was a result of Connor's schemes, but they couldn't announce that to the public, so they could only say that it was an accident as well and close the case as soon as possible. Of course, that didn't mean that things would end here; Connor would have to bear all the burden once they captured him.

However, in general, this matter was temporarily over. Still, there was one thing Toby couldn't figure out. Why would Connor pull this trick all of a sudden and what was his goal?

Unable to come up with an answer after racking his brains, Toby decided not to think about it for the time being and asked Tom, "What's the time?"

Tom looked at his wristwatch before saying, "It's 3.30PM."

Toby stood up. "I'll leave things to you for now. I'm going back to the old manor."

"Yes, sir." Tom nodded before handing him his phone.

After Toby's phone ran out of battery when he was busy working, he handed it to Tom to charge it. Tom's phone was also low in battery due to the number of calls he was making, and it was currently charging as well. This was also why they didn't answer any calls, regardless of who was making them.

After taking his phone and turning it on, Toby was met with a long list of missed calls, all of which were from the old manor. His lips curled up slightly, and he assumed that they wanted to know if he was finished with work and when he would go back. So, he happily returned Rose's calls.

However, once the call went through, Toby immediately sensed that something was amiss.

"Toby, have you resolved the issue with the company?" Rose asked somberly, her tone extremely grave.

Toby's sense of foreboding increased. "Yes, Grandma. Did something happen?"

Knowing that she couldn't hide anything from Toby, Rose nodded. "Yes. Sonny was captured by Connor."

"What?!" Toby instantly rose from his chair, shocked. "Did you say that Little Leaf was captured by Connor?"

Opposite the office table, Tom was dumbfounded upon hearing this. What kind of joke was this? Sonia was taken away by Connor?


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