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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 Tyler Made a Mistake,Boss, Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Not too surprised with Toby’s decision, Tom gave a slight nod. “Understood!” “Go on, and take these documents with you too!” Toby pinched the bridge of his nose. Tom looked at the stack of documents, then reached out and picked them up. Soon after he left, Toby’s phone rang. It was Tyler calling. “Toby, I watched your press conference!” On the other end of the line, Tyler was wearing a basketball uniform and was sweating profusely on a bench by the court, obviously flushed after exercising. Toby leaned back. “And?” “Congratulations, of course!”


Tyler wiped off his sweat. “Toby, congratulations on getting out of the depths of misery!” Toby’s thin lips curled up. “Yeah, I know. You have a good game. I’ll hang up first.” Listening to Tyler’s slightly rapid breathing, Toby guessed that he must be playing. During this period of time, the under-17 exhibition match was at fever pitch, and there were two to three games daily, so Tyler probably made this call during the break. Tyler threw his towel aside and hurriedly called out, “Toby, wait! Don’t hang up!” Toby frowned. “Is there anything else?” “It’s not a big deal. I just wanted to ask you about what they’re saying on the Internet… About what happened to Tina, is it true?” Tyler asked curiously.

He had just seen the news on the Internet, but he didn’t read it in detail, so he still didn’t know whether or not it was true. Toby answered, “Yes, it’s true!” “Damn…” Tyler took a deep breath, feeling utterly shocked. But, he quickly calmed down, then curled his lips and said, “Sure enough, if you do bad things, you’ll get retribution. She’s done so many bad things to Sonia, so this is her retribution.” Something flickered across Toby’s eyes. Tyler’s statements reminded him that Tina’s greatest enemy was Sonia, so perhaps this incident had something to do with her. Of course, he didn’t mean that Sonia did it. With her character, even if she retaliated against a person, she would only use legal means instead of using such methods.

However, this wouldn’t necessarily be the case for the people around her. So, is it Charles or Carl? Or is it… Zane? As Toby thought of the way the three people looked at Sonia, his face darkened, and he felt irritated. These three men had thoughts about Sonia that Toby found annoying, and it was indeed possible for them to do such a thing to Tina for her! “Toby? Toby?” Tyler raised his voice and shouted after not hearing Toby’s voice for a long time. Toby’s eyes flashed, and he came back to his senses. “What’s the matter?” “I just asked you something, but you didn’t respond even after I called your name several times. What are you doing?” Tyler pouted and said unhappily. Toby rubbed his temples.


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