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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 362

Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 362

Titus nodded his head. “Yes, he’s dead, but I’ll never forget this. Though he’s dead, his daughter is still alive. It’s only right for her to pay for her father’s wrongdoings. I’m sure she’ll receive her karma!”

Hearing this, Sonia clenched her fists and remarked coldly, “Oh? I’d love to see who will receive their karma—me or you.”

Indeed, Dad shouldn’t have kidnapped Rina and thrown her into the river. However, it was Titus who caused it. Dad wouldn’t have done it if Titus hadn’t stolen our research and development technology and forced the researcher to his death. Besides, Dad didn’t kill Rina. The actual Rina’s well alive somewhere else. Titus is so shameless to put all the blame on Dad right now! (Get daily updates on novelheart.com)

However, Sonia sighed in relief as Titus did not mention that Henry was the one who kidnapped Rina. Otherwise, she couldn’t imagine what she would have to face next.

She was afraid that Titus would reveal it when he mentioned that it happened 26 years ago.


Now, she had nothing to worry about.

At the press conference, the reporters seemed dissatisfied with Titus’s answer. After all, it was maddening that he aroused their curiosity yet refused to clear things up.


Hence, they continued to ask, “How did the murderer die? Why did he kidnap your eldest daughter 26 years ago? Was there a specific reason?”

Frowning, he answered coldly, “This matter saddens me greatly, so I’m not going to answer those questions. Besides, I’m really tired right now, (Get daily updates on novelheart.com) and I’ve said what I needed to, so let’s end the press conference here. One more thing—now that we’ve cut ties with Tina, she’s no longer part of the Grays, so I hope you won’t vent your disgruntlement toward my family and Triforce Enterprise. Thank you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he put down the microphone and bowed sincerely at the camera.

Right after, the comments started coming on the live stream.

‘Of course. Tina is Tina and the Grays are the Grays. I won’t criticize the Grays and Triforce Enterprise anymore. Don’t worry.’

‘That’s right. Now, we know that she’s nothing but an ungrateful brat. She’s rotten because of her biological parents’ poor genetics. I can’t believe she hurt you like this after you raised her so well. I can’t express how much I sympathize with you. Why would I ever go against you and Triforce Enterprise?’

‘I agree.’

‘Me too.’’

Seeing these comments, Tina nearly had a rage blackout. (Get daily updates on novelheart.com)

Meanwhile, Sonia and Toby were laughing sarcastically. What a genius way to whitewash himself.

At the press conference, Titus could already guess what the situation was like though he couldn’t see the comments. At that moment, his eyes glinted with victory, and he straightened his back as he let the company’s bodyguards escort the reporters out.

Soon, the conference room became quiet, and only Titus was left.

After turning off the live stream, he finally relaxed as he sat on the chair at the corner of the room.

When he visited Tina yesterday, he discovered what she had done and found out that she did not commit her crime during her probation period but before. Now that it had been exposed with substantial supporting evidence, he was sure that she would have to go to jail this time.

Once her sentence was passed and announced to the media, Triforce Enterprise and the Grays would have to face a lethal blow. Hence, he had to discuss with Julia about cutting ties with Tina when things weren’t too serious yet.

Of course, Julia objected to this idea and scolded him for being too cruel.

How am I cruel? I’ve raised Tina for more than 20 years, so it’s impossible to have no feelings, but I can only choose to abandon her for the sake of the Grays and Triforce Enterprise. Too bad she’s not my biological daughter; things would’ve been different if she was. Anyway, I’ve treated her quite fairly by raising her for more than 20 years. Asking her to pay back now isn’t too much to ask!

“President Gray.” Keiran came in through the door and spoke hesitantly.

“What’s the matter? Speak!” Titus furrowed his brows.

“Erm… Director Walker wants you to attend the Board of Directors’ meeting,” Keiran replied carefully.

Immediately, Titus’ face changed. “What? He’s holding a Board of Directors’ meeting?”

“Yes.” Keiran nodded. “He said you must attend.”


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