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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 364

Chapter 364 Twelve Years Ago

The edges of Sonia’s lips twitched. “You don’t know whether I have a son or not?”

Daphne flashed her an awkward smile. “I’m sorry, President Reed. I was just stunned for a moment. Don’t be mad.”

“I’m not angry. This is my friend’s nephew, Douglas,” she said, pushing Douglas gently in front of Daphne. “Say hi to Miss Daphne, Douglas.”

“Hello, Miss Daphne,” Douglas said, bowing politely.

“Hello,” Daphne answered, and her heart almost melted at the sight of him. This little guy is simply too adorable! “I have sweets for you!” Suddenly, she remembered that she had stuffed two candies into her pocket before leaving the house this morning, so she hurriedly took them out and handed them to him.


Instead of taking the candies from her, Douglas lifted his head and looked at Sonia, who nodded to him gently. With her approval, he took the candies from Daphne. “Thank you, Miss Daphne.”

“You’re welcome.” Seeing that he had accepted her candies, Daphne smiled so brightly that her eyes crinkled up.


Meanwhile, Sonia couldn’t help but raise her brows because this was the first time she had seen her smile so brightly. Within the company, Daphne was nicknamed The Decimator. In other words, she was dressed in old-fashioned clothes and wore a pair of rustic black-rimmed glasses. In addition, she was usually expressionless, which made her appear very fierce, and so that was how her nickname came about.

Now that she saw how Daphne was smiling, a smile spread across her own face as well. It’s true that even a serious person couldn’t resist an adorable kid. “Daphne, pass me today’s itinerary.” Then, she took Douglas’ hand and led him to the couch in her office.

Trailing behind them, Daphne hurriedly flipped open the folder she was always carrying and passed the itinerary to Sonia.

After taking it from her, Sonia glanced through it and said, “Besides the appointment in the afternoon, the other appointments will go through as scheduled.”

“I got it,” Daphne answered with a nod, then Sonia returned the itinerary to her.

“Alright, you can leave now and buy Douglas some snacks and toys.”

Glancing at Douglas, Daphne agreed gladly. “Sure, President Reed. I’ll be back soon after shopping.”

“Alright,” Sonia replied and carried Douglas onto the couch after she left. “Douglas, stay here and watch TV while I work over there, alright?”

“Okay, Aunt Sonia. Go ahead and do your job. I can play by myself,” he said obediently, sitting on the couch and kicking his legs.

Stroking his head, Sonia said, “You’re such a good boy. Here’s the remote control. Call me if you need anything.” With that, she retracted her hand and turned toward her desk.

She had just reached her desk when her cell phone in her handbag started to ring. Pulling out her chair, she then fished out her cell phone and checked it. When she saw that it was a call from the police station, she immediately picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hello, Miss Reed. I’m calling from the police station.”

“Yes, hello,” she answered.

The person on the other end said, “It’s about Tina Gray’s sentence. It has already been announced.”

“How many years?” Hearing that, Sonia quickly straightened her back and asked.

Even though she didn’t know why Tina was sentenced so quickly, it didn’t matter to her as long as she received punishment.

“Three years,” the other person replied. “But…”

With a frown, Sonia asked, “But what?” She had a bad feeling about this.


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