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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 373

Boss Your Wife’s Asking for A Divorce Again Chapter 373

Toby wanted to step forward and separate Charles and Sonia.

However, looking at Sonia, who came out of her sadness and showed a smile, he ended up suppressing the idea.

For now, I’ll let her be happy, but only this time. Next time, I will separate them no matter what. Toby tightened his hand holding the inspection report.

Tim looked at his jealous look, and the corner of his mouth curled upward.

How fascinating.


Feelings are like spells—they could affect people’s emotions anytime and anywhere, changing a person from head to toe.

Fortunately, I have no troubles in this regard.


All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door.

Except for Sonia, everyone else looked toward the door. They were two people in police uniforms, and they must have visited because of Sonia’s attack.

“Sorry to interrupt. We heard that Miss Reed has woken up, so we came to visit her to find out more about the attack,” the leading police officer said.

Sonia said, “Come in.”

Hearing that, the two police officers stepped in.

Walking to the hospital bed, the two police officers looked at Sonia with a hint of sympathy in their eyes.

They had never seen anyone unluckier than her. In just a few months, she had dealt with the police so many times that they had already grown familiar with each other.

Naturally, the two police officers would not express their thoughts in front of Sonia, and instead asked with a light cough, “Miss Reed, about your attack, do you have any thoughts about it? Also, do you think you might have offended anyone recently?”

“My darling won’t offend anyone. It’s those people who are always trying to offend her.” Charles, obviously disgruntled with the police officer’s words, couldn’t help but interject.

Sonia frowned. “Charles, don’t make trouble.”

Charles pouted slightly and stopped talking.

Only then did Sonia begin to speak. “Sorry, my friend is a little impulsive today. Please don’t take offense.”

“It’s okay. We understand.” The two police officers waved their hands and expressed their understanding.

Sonia continued, “Actually, if I were to list who I have offended these days, there are quite a few of them. The couple from the Gray family, Tina Gray, and Cynthia Stone. I think we can rule out Tina Gray as it is definitely not her. As for the other three, I can’t be sure because I was knocked unconscious at the time—I couldn’t see what the culprit looked like. Honestly, I can’t even tell whether the other party was a man or a woman.”

The reason why she excluded Tina was the same as Toby.

First of all, Tina was already under surveillance, so it was impossible for her to take action in that condition. Even if she were to take action, she would definitely have killed her right then and there; she wouldn’t only hit her head and cut her wrist.

So this was obviously not Tina’s way of doing things.

The two police officers had no doubts about Sonia’s answer.

They saw how she was knocked out, and she did faint on the spot without seeing the other party.

“The one who attacked you, Miss Reed, was a woman,” said one of the police officers.

Sonia was slightly surprised. “A woman? So it could be Cynthia or Mrs. Gray, right?”

However, in her opinion, the possibility of the culprit being Julia was not high.

Although she did not have any direct grudge with Julia, she had sent Tina, whom Julia loved dearly, to prison. Besides, Sonia also had a grudge against Titus, and because of Henry, Julia must also hate her. If Julia were to harm her, it would have been much more severe than this.

If that was the case, the only suspect left was Cynthia.

However, Toby suddenly said, “It’s not Cynthia Stone.”


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