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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 399

Chapter 399 We Can’t Let Her Find Out

“It’s a secret related to Sonia’s life history!” Toby parted his lips and uttered his words clearly. Tom was stunned to hear this. “Her life history? Is there something hidden in her past, President Fuller?”

Toby nodded. “That’s right. She’s not from the Reed Family.”

“How is that possible?” Tom exclaimed. “How could she not be from the Reed Family? Everyone in the industry knows that Mrs. Reed gave birth to Miss Reed in Norfolk Hospital. Miss Reed just went to that hospital yesterday, and it was proven that she’s Mrs. Reed’s biological daughter.”

“That’s right. 26 years ago, Mrs. Reed gave birth to Sonia in Norfolk. However, that isn’t the same Sonia as the one we know today.” Toby narrowed his eyes.

Tom was more puzzled than ever. “Are you saying that the current Sonia took over the real Sonia’s place, President Fuller?”


“I guess you could say that. The real Sonia might have passed away 26 years ago. There was a series of reports on a female infant in the file that Sonia was looking at yesterday, right? Most of the reports indicated that the female infant wasn’t healthy and wouldn’t live a long life. My guess is that the female infant didn’t even live past six months.” Toby fiddled with his fingers as he spoke.

Tom stared at him. “Why would you make such a guess, President Fuller?”


“Because of Sonia’s red mole!” Toby pressed his lips together. “26 years ago, Henry brought Rina away when she was only a month old. Then, he threw the infant into the lake in front of Titus and Julia’s eyes. However, no matter how hard the rescue team tried to search for the infant, no one had ever found Rina’s body. Some said that Rina never died, while some said that she had been washed off into the ocean. Both sayings explained why they couldn’t find Rina, but most people believed that Rina had died.”

“Well, of course. It’s just a baby—it’d never survive after being thrown into a lake.” Tom nodded. “But what has this got to do with Miss Reed?”

Toby shot him a side glare. “Of course it’s related. According to Sonia, we can be sure that Rina never died. Whatever they threw into the lake might have been a doll or a pile of clothes.”

“If that’s true, it means that Rina is still well and alive somewhere now,” Tom uttered.

“What if that somewhere is actually in the Reed Family?” Toby narrowed his eyes.

“The Reed Family?” Tom was dumbfounded for a while before he seemed to realize something, and his jaw dropped. “Are you saying that Miss Reed is the real Rina, President Fuller?”

“Yes.” Toby nodded. “Previously, when I was in the car park of the hospital, I overheard Mrs. Gray asking Taylor about the red mole on her hand. Taylor claimed that the red mole had been burnt off by a cigarette butt. That was how I knew that the real Rina would have a red mole on her hand. After you mentioned that Sonia has a red mole on her hand, things got much clearer—it’s obvious that Sonia is actually Rina.”


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