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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 403

Chapter 403 As Despicable as Henry

Julia was just as impatient to find out if Rina was her daughter. As someone who had always cared about her image, she didn’t even bother to wash off the remnants of her face mask before she rushed to the police station along with Titus. Soon enough, they arrived at the police detention center and saw Rina.

Rina greeted them happily. “Mom, Dad, why did you guys come here?”

Titus didn’t explain himself and simply handed the documents to Rina. “Take a look at this.”

“What is this?” Rina took the documents into her hands with a puzzled look on her face. She flipped them open, and her eyes glinted when she saw her own personal information being listed inside. However, she didn’t seem to have much of a reaction.

Her expression only changed when she saw the picture. “Dad!” Rina clutched onto the picture as she looked at Titus anxiously. “This picture—”

“You’d like to know where I got this picture from, right?” Titus interrupted her, and Rina’s jaw dropped. It was clear that she had intended to ask that exact question.

Without leaving her hanging, Titus instantly responded in an icy tone. “We found it in our mailbox this morning. We’ve received other things too, like a copy of our DNA results yesterday. The odd thing is that the report shows that we aren’t related to each other.”

“That’s impossible!” Rina let out a loud cry. “How could you not be my father? That report must have been a fake. Someone is trying to cause conflict in the Gray Family, Dad,” she replied. She was sure that it was Sonia and Zane who had placed the documents in the mailbox. They were trying to show Julia and Titus that she wasn’t related to the Gray Family. They really kept their word. They said they were going to expose my identity, and they really started doing it right afterward! They don’t have a hint of compassion in their bones. I don’t mind if Sonia’s the one doing this, but it hurts me to think that Mr. Coleman would do such a thing!

“I don’t think the DNA report is valid. We did the DNA tests together, after all. No one else has strands of our hair, so the DNA report that we received yesterday may not be real. However, I’m more troubled by this picture—what’s your explanation, Rina? Why does this person look so much like you?” Titus pointed at the picture in Rina’s hand as he growled.

Rina lowered her gaze to look at the picture. She hated the middle-aged man so much that she wished she could poke holes in the picture. Ever since she arrived at Gray Residence in Seafield, she had never seen the couple whom she hated the most. I can’t believe Sonia found a way to make me see these people again. They must be trying really hard to infuriate me.

“I don’t know. I swear I don’t know why this person looks similar to me. I have no idea who he is, and I haven’t seen him before. Trust me, Dad.” Rina placed her palm against her chest to put on a worried and anxious look that made her seem more trustworthy.

Titus’s gaze darkened for a second, but he didn’t say anything, so Rina wasn’t sure if Titus trusted her. Since she couldn’t read Titus’s expression, she turned to Julia. “I’m being honest, Mom. I really don’t know who that man is. Please trust me! Mom!” she cried anxiously.

Julia had always been one who was easily influenced by others. After seeing the fear in Rina’s eyes, Julia parted her lips. Julia was about to tell Rina that she trusted her when Titus suddenly tugged on Julia’s arm. Julia immediately understood the situation, and she flashed Rina an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Rina. It’s not that I don’t want to trust you. It’s just that this guy looks too similar to you, and no one would believe it if we said that he’s not related to you.”


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