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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 405

Chapter 405 Taylor’s Hair

However, Sonia’s anger had yet to dissipate. She spun her head around and shouted at the person behind her. “That was too dangerous, Toby!”

Toby had been fixing his sleeves, but he raised an eyebrow after hearing what Sonia said. “How was that dangerous?”

“How could you carry both me and the wheelchair up the stairs together? Don’t you know that it’s dangerous to do that?” Sonia took a deep breath before she spoke in a harsh tone.

Toby lowered his gaze. “It’s not dangerous. I was watching over you the whole time—I wouldn’t have let you fall.”

“I was referring to you!” Sonia frowned. “What if you lost your strength halfway through? What if the wheelchair fell and crushed your leg? What if you dislocated something?”

Upon hearing her words, Toby widened his eyes as a look of joy appeared on his face. “Were you worried about me, Sonia?” He had to clench his fists to contain the joy and excitement in his heart.

Sonia was stunned for a moment, but her voice quickly returned to its icy and calm tone as she turned back to face the front. “You’re overthinking it. I wasn’t worried about you. I was just afraid that I would have to be responsible if you got injured again.”

A hint of disappointment flashed in Toby’s gaze, but it didn’t last for long as he quickly chuckled. “I see. Alright, maybe I was overthinking it. Regardless, I’ll just assume that what you said earlier was because you care for me.”

Sonia wrinkled her nose. “You can think whatever you wish to. What are you doing here?”

“There’s a spy in my company, and someone stole documents from my office. I found the spy’s fingerprints on my office table, so I’m bringing it over to have the lab test it for me.” Toby’s eyes glinted for a moment, but his expression remained flat as he spoke.

Wanda rolled her eyes from where she stood beside them. Young Master Toby is really good at lying, huh? He didn’t even bat an eyelid! Sonia, on the other hand, widened her eyes in shock after hearing what Toby said. “What? There’s a spy in Fuller Group, and the spy stole documents from your office?”

“Mhmm,” Toby mumbled. Sonia let out a laugh. “No way, President Fuller. Your company’s security is better than this. How could someone go in and out of your office whenever they pleased?” Paradigm Co. was nothing in comparison to the size of Fuller Group, and even then, no one would be able to break into Sonia’s office. The fact that someone managed to do that in Toby’s office was hilarious to Sonia.

Toby could tell that Sonia was laughing at him, but he didn’t get mad at all. There was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he spoke. “I was too confident. I thought that my staff would never dare to steal anything from the company. That was how the spy found a loophole that allowed him or her to sneak in. What about you? What are you doing here?”

“Titus wants to do another DNA test with Taylor. I’m here because he wants me to watch them do it,” Sonia explained flatly.

“I see.” Toby lifted his head up.

“Aren’t you curious why he asked me to come along?” Sonia asked quizzically. Toby shook his head. “There’s no need for that. I’ll find out in a while.”

“In a while?” Sonia narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to go in with me?”

“I’d like to join the fun. Am I not welcome there?” Toby looked at the woman in the wheelchair. She pressed her lips together. “Would you stay away if I said that you were not welcomed there?”

“Of course not,” he replied.

“Exactly my point.” Sonia shrugged. “Anyway, I don’t own this place, so I can’t stop you from going anywhere you wish to.”


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