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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Rina’s Lies

Hal’s proclamation left Titus grim and also resulted in Julia loosening her grip around Rina. I can’t say he’s wrong; if she really weren’t his daughter, why does she bear such strong resemblance to him?

As though she had sensed the doubt that crept into their minds, a panicked Rina grabbed Julia’s arm and eyed Titus pleadingly as she urged, “Mom, Dad, don’t fall for his lies! I’m not their daughter. I’m really not!”

However, Zane had a sadistic smile playing on his lips as he stared at Rina and suggested, “In that case, why don’t you tell us why you look so much like Hal?”

Rina then glowered at him, anger and hurt flashing in her red-rimmed eyes. You’ve gone too far. Are you so desperate to expose my identity?

While bristling at the wounded look she was giving him, he felt his lips twitch as he muttered in exasperation, “What a lunatic.”

“What’s wrong?” Sonia asked.

“Nothing. She merely hates me,” he answered with a casual shrug.

She let out a good-natured laugh as she said in jest, “Well, that’s expected of her, considering you’ve brought Hal and his wife over.”

As both of them fell into a friendly repartee, Toby merely watched them with his lips pressed into a grim line. What’s going on? Isn’t Sonia upset with Zane because he was hiding things from her? How is it that they’re back on good terms all of a sudden? Has she actually forgiven him? The possibility of this made him clench his fists at his sides.

Across the room, Rina was being scrutinized by Titus and Julia as they waited for her to provide an explanation. Knowing that she could not escape the ordeal without losing their trust, she took a deep breath and responded tearfully, “I… I don’t know why I look like him, but I’m really not his daughter at all. Mom, Dad, please, you have to believe me.”

Greta, however, scoffed in disgust as she seethed, “Don’t be stupid. I gave birth to you and I raised you for over twenty years, only for you to turn your back on us after finding a pair of rich folks to call Mom and Dad. How heartless can you be, Taylor?” With that, the older woman reached out and tried to prod Rina’s forehead with her finger.

Rina immediately ducked behind Titus and Julia once more, evading Greta’s dirty and calloused finger.

An enraged Greta snapped, “Oh, is this how it is now, Taylor? Did your skin grow thicker along with your new riches? How dare you duck away from me! Come out and let me teach you a good lesson, you ungrateful brat!”

Hal also added, “Didn’t you hear your mother? Get out here right now!”

“I will not! Why should I when you are both going to beat me to death? I was your punching bag for over twenty years. Do you really think I’d continue to take your abuse like how I did in the past?” Rina peeped from behind Titus’ frame and shouted at Hal and Greta spitefully.

“Y-You—” Greta pointed a trembling finger at Rina as she hissed, “You little b*tch! You have some nerve to speak to us that way. What, do you think you have the world on your side now?”

By the sidelines, Sonia frowned when she heard the rough language Greta used. While she didn’t fancy Taylor in the slightest, she felt sorry for Taylor for having to put up with a biological mother like Greta.

After all, it was heartbreaking to hear a mother verbally abuse her own child like this.

“That’s enough!” Titus yelled, his voice resonating throughout the room and effectively putting a stop to Greta and Rina’s squabble.


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