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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 417

Chapter 417 Kidney Failure

She didn’t want to be blind any longer since it would lead to more complications as time went on.

First and foremost, Sonia had to worry about Paradigm. Asher had always eyed for a chance to snatch half of the management rights she held. If she didn’t show up for work at Paradigm Co. for a long while, he would definitely seize the chance and persuade those under her before causing all sorts of trouble for her.

Secondly, Titus was another cause of her worries. Even though she tried her hardest to mask the fact that she couldn’t see, he would soon discover that she was blind if he used some effort to investigate it. Although Toby had done his part by giving his fair share of warning and Titus wouldn’t do anything in broad daylight, he probably could pull his little assaults in the dark without Toby being made aware of it.

So, it was a necessity for her to regain her eyesight as soon as possible for both Paradigm Co. and her own sake.

Since Tim was well-versed with psychology, he could guess what Sonia thought when he saw her anxious behavior. He patted her shoulder lightly in assurance. “Don’t worry, you haven’t recovered your vision because the blood clot in your brain hasn’t completely disappeared yet. The blood clot wasn’t extremely large when we checked the last time, so I guess it’ll dissipate soon enough. Judging by the time needed, you’ll probably recover in a few days.”

Upon hearing that, she sighed in relief. “That’s good to know.”

“Other than your loss of sight, is there anywhere that feels wrong? What about the dizziness you mentioned?” He leaned against his desk as he asked.

She shook her head. “It’s gone now.”

“Okay, got it. So, I don’t have to prescribe medicine for that,” he spoke while fiddling with his scalpel.

Sonia stood up from the couch. “Thank you for the session. I’ll be leaving now.”

Wanda approached Sonia to help her into the wheelchair.

Tim rose to his full height as well. “I’ll see you off to the elevators.”

The three walked out of the office and headed for the elevators.

They had just arrived when Wanda suddenly gasped.

A confused Sonia turned around. “What’s the matter, Wanda?”

“I saw Titus and his wife walking out from the nephrology department to the elevator over there. They don’t look too good, especially Mrs. Gray. Her eyes are red as if she has been crying,” Wanda answered as she looked in front.

In response, Sonia raised an eyebrow. “Nephrology? What are they doing there?” There’s even crying involved. A single fall couldn’t have such damage to the waist, can it? That’s weird. The bones would usually be hurt from that kind of fall and the organs won’t be affected whatsoever.

“If you’re so curious, I can just ask for information. Don’t forget, this is my hospital,” Tim chuckled slightly as he pushed his glasses. Then, he walked toward the nephrology department.

Wanda looked at Sonia. “Miss Reed, Dr. Lancaster has headed there. Should we follow him or leave?”

“It’s bad manners to leave just like that. Let’s wait here then,” Sonia replied after she thought for a while.

After Wanda nodded, she didn’t say anything else. Her hands were still on the wheelchair handles while she waited with Sonia.

After about 5 minutes or so, Tim returned to them.

Upon receiving Wanda’s prompt, Sonia opened her mouth to ask, “How is it?”

“There’s a problem with Titus’ kidneys,” Tim replied while pushing his glasses once again.

A surprised Sonia asked, “Kidney problems? It’s not because of the fall, is it?”

“No.” He shook his head. “The doctor explained that Titus is suffering from slight kidney failure.”

“Kidney failure?!” She exclaimed, “He’s suffering from kidney failure?”


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