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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 420

Chapter 420 Jewelry Belonging to Toby’s Mother

“No, no.” The burly man shook his head hastily. “It’s the right one. The photo on the documents proves that it is her, but I don’t know why she’s blind now.”

After hearing the burly man’s explanation, the feminine man relaxed his expression, but the look in his eyes remained sharp.

“All right; now that we have seen her, let’s leave first. We’ll get someone to keep an eye on her and note her daily routine. Then, we’ll find an opportunity to kidnap her, and once we have done so, I don’t think Lucius will just stand by and watch,” he said in a cold voice as his eyes narrowed.

The burly man’s posture straightened. “Understood, Young Master Declan.”

Since there was nothing else to say, the feminine man closed his fear-inducing eyes.

As a result, the burly man started the car and drove away.

Meanwhile, Sonia was just about to enter the apartment complex when she stopped in her tracks and turned to ‘look’ somewhere behind her with her eyebrows knitted tightly.

A puzzled Wanda looked at her. “What’s wrong, Miss Reed?”

“I have a feeling that someone was watching me just now,” an uncertain Sonia replied after she parted her red lips.

Wanda also looked behind them, but she couldn’t see anyone suspicious, so she turned around. “I don’t see anything or anyone, though. Maybe you were mistaken, Miss Reed.”

“Probably.” Sonia nodded thoughtfully.

Even though she agreed that she might have been mistaken, she still felt a little weird.

Her ability to sense things was heightened ever since she lost her eyesight, which mader her especially sensitive to people’s gazes. Hence, she wanted to confirm whether the feeling she had earlier was just a mistake or not.

Meanwhile, in the Fullers’ residence, Toby had just entered when he saw Jean seated on the couch, watching TV and laughing.

She suddenly caught sight of him and shot up from her seat in surprise. “Toby? Why are you back?”

“Just getting something,” he replied.

“What is it?” she asked.

Toby looked at his watch. “Some of my mother’s belongings. All right, Mom, I have a meeting to attend later, so I’ll be on my way now.”

With that, he ascended the stairs.

Jean stood where she was as she watched Toby head upstairs while she started to wonder, To get his biological mother’s belongings? Whatever for?

Toby’s biological mother was the young lady of the Johann Family, who had married into the Fuller Family 32 years ago. However, not long after the prosperous event, the Johann Family declared bankruptcy.

However, before they went bankrupt, they were a large family that was only slightly weaker than the Fullers. When she married, her dowry amounted to almost a third of the family property.

Although Toby’s mother passed away in the end, her dowry had long since been absorbed into the Fuller Group and thus impossible to differentiate whereas her priceless jewelry still remained. The jewelry was locked inside the room on the third floor, where she used to live.

Jean had always dreamed about owning those jewelry one day, but Old Mrs. Fuller had warned her that if she even so much as thought about getting them, she would be banished from the Fuller Family. After all, Homer was dead, which meant that Jean’s marriage to him had been void a long time ago.

She didn’t want to be banished from the Fullers, so she suppressed her thoughts of getting hold of those jewelry. Also, she felt sorry for Toby’s mother as well, so that was another reason why she left the jewelry untouched.

While she was in her thoughts, she heard movements coming from the stairs.

Jean looked up to see Toby coming down the stairs with a jewelry box in hand.

She hurried over. “Toby, what’s that in your hand? Can I see?”

“Sure.” He nodded and passed the box to her.

An excited Jean hastily took it and opened the box. When she beheld the set of imperial jade jewelries, she inhaled sharply. “My goodness, imperial jade! This… This must’ve cost fortunes!”

“It’s one of the various pieces of jewelry that my grandmother gave to my mother. The whole set costs about 150 million,” Toby said nonchalantly.

Jean was shocked into speechlessness before she gulped. “150… million?”

She had never worn jewelry that expensive in her whole life before.


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