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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 464

Chapter 464 Connor Salzburg of Fredburg

What the hell is going on here? Who is this baby? As Sonia stared at the baby in the photo who had a face so pale that it looked like it was no longer alive, her hands could not help but clench. Her eyes were full of shock, confusion and incomprehension; there was even a trace of indescribable oddness. The date at the bottom right corner of the photo was clearly the date of 4 months and 5 days after her birth, but the baby in the photo wasn’t her at all.

Other than photos of her as a 2-month-old, she had seen all the photos of herself before. She didn’t look like this when she was 4 months old! So, the baby in the photo was definitely not her. If it was not her, why was the date at the bottom right corner consistent with the previous photos, though? Not only was it consistent, even the baby’s features looked like hers. All babies would look the same during their first month, but their unique features would only begin to take form in the second month onward. Moreover, this four-month-old baby looked exceptionally similar to the photo of the two-month-old she had seen just a moment ago.

Therefore, this was not the record album detailing her birth and the baby in the photos had never been her from the beginning. She thought it was her, but it was not, which was why there was no sense of familiarity. Yes, if it was herself in the photo, how could she not have felt close to the baby? Since it was not, it explained why she felt nothing. If that was the case, why was this baby sharing the same birthdate as her?

Sonia bit her lower lip, feeling a ton of complicated emotions in her heart.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the study. As she raised her head, she saw Charles standing outside the door with a smile. “Baby, haven’t you found the notes yet? My bed is all made up.”

“Found it,” Sonia answered after she rubbed her temples.

He blinked. “Why didn’t you come out when you found it? Also, you don’t look good. What happened?”

Upon saying that, he entered the study while she pursed her lips and admitted, “I found a photo album.”

“And?” he asked.

Her hands formed into fists. “I thought the baby in the album was me, but in the end, I found out that it wasn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Charles didn’t understand what she had tried to insinuate.

Sonia stood up, closed the photo album, and reopened it. After that, she turned to the first page and pointed to the newborn baby before asking, “Charles, do you think this is me?”

He looked down and thereafter nodded. “Yes, isn’t your birthday written on the bottom?”

“That’s right.” She nodded. “Because of this date, I thought the baby was me. If you look at the photos at the back, though…”

“What’s wrong with those photos?” a curious Charles asked as he started to turn the pages. When he saw a picture of the 1-month-old baby, his expression didn’t change much. It was only when he turned to the second picture that his brow furrowed whereby he fastened his speed of turning the pages.

When she saw his action, she knew that he noticed the obvious problem. After taking a deep breath, she asked, “Charles, do you still think this baby is me now?”

“It’s definitely not you,” he answered with a serious expression. “I am 4 years older than you, so I’ll know better than you what you looked like as a child. You might’ve resembled the baby in the 1-month-old photos because its features were not distinct yet. However, since the baby’s features are much clearer from the second month onward, I could tell at first instance that it’s not you at all. Besides, I know who she is.”

“You do?” Sonia looked at him in surprise.

Charles nodded and flipped to one of the baby’s photos as a 4-month-old. “In fact, you know this child too. She’s the one whom I told you about before. I saw her for the first time at the Reed Family when I was 4 years old and actually thought it was you.”

When he mentioned this, she instantly remembered hearing about it and nodded in a daze. “So, this was that child you talked about.”


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