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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 466

Chapter 466 Already Dead

“367 minutes!” Sonia cried out, her hands trembling as she held the phone. No wonder the phone was out of battery. Last night, she and Toby actually talked on the phone for over 300 minutes, which was simply…

Sonia’s lips moved, but she didn’t even know what to say. She had thought it was a dream, yet now it was confirmed that it was reality. Most importantly, she actually didn’t remember having picked up the phone at all!

“Baby.” At this time, Charles’ voice came again at the door. “Are you still not ready? Breakfast is getting cold.”

Sonia took a deep breath and calmed down for the time being. “I will be ready soon.”

“Hurry up.” Charles urged.

Sonia answered, “Okay.”

Hearing her reply, Charles left again.

Then, Sonia took her phone and went to the washroom. While walking, she dialed Toby’s number. But when the phone call went through, she realized that the other party’s phone was switched off.

Switched off? His phone is dead too. It was because of the long call that it had run out of power and automatically shut down, right?

It was probably not a coincidence, so Sonia had to think of it this way. Whatever. I’ll wait for his phone to be switched on again, and I’ll ask him what we talked about last night.

She had little memory of answering the phone last night, so she was also afraid she had said something nonsensical. Putting away the phone, Sonia patted her cheeks, calmed down a little, and started washing up. Ten minutes later, she finished washing up, changed her clothes, and walked out of the room to the dining room.

Seeing her, Charles put down the fork in his hand and pointed to the chair opposite him. “Baby, sit down. Today’s breakfast tastes delicious.”

Sonia looked down at breakfast on the table and thought that it was indeed quite a good spread.

“The village chief’s wife used to run a breakfast joint, so her food naturally needs no further introduction.” Sonia pulled out a chair and sat down.

Charles handed her a glass of juice. “So, she’s a chef. No wonder this tastes so good.”

“You are quite smart to go to the village head’s house to buy breakfast.” Sonia took the glass and drank the juice.

Hearing that, Charles laughed. “Right. When I bought fish yesterday, I asked in passing where I could buy breakfast, and the village head said he sells some. So, I went there as soon as I got up today. Baby, eat up. The food is getting cold.”

“Mmm.” Sonia nodded.

Charles took a bite of a bun and said, “Baby, when are we going back today?”

“After breakfast, we’ll pack up and leave,” Sonia replied. She couldn’t stay here for too long because the notes still had to be mailed, and her company’s affairs needed to be taken care of. There was also Toby, whom she had to take care of, so she had to leave as early as possible.

After breakfast, the two locked the door, left the place, and drove back to Seafield. At 1.30 PM, the two arrived. Sonia mailed the notes and returned to the car to dial Leonard’s phone number. Since Leonard had not been to the tombs during this period of time, Sonia’s phone call got through easily, and the old man’s kind voice came. “Sonia.”

“Grandpa, I have sent your notes to you. It is estimated that they will arrive in four or five days.” Sonia spoke as she fastened her seatbelt.

The old man smiled happily. “That’s great. Thank you, Sonia.”

“You’re too kind, Grandpa.” Sonia also smiled.

“Baby, the photo.” Next to her, Charles, who was driving, suddenly reminded her. Only then did she remember the photo she saw last night, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared. Biting her lip for a few seconds, she still mustered up the courage to speak.


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