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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 468

Chapter 468 A Huge Misunderstanding

Sonia averted her gaze, refusing to look into his scary-looking eyes. Her gut told her that she absolutely mustn’t meet his gaze, or she might fall into a bottomless abyss.

Seeing that Sonia looked away, Toby let out a slight sigh before changing the topic. “Right, you called me this morning, didn’t you?”

Hearing him mention this, Sonia hastily nodded. “Yes.”

“Sorry, my phone was turned off this morning,” Toby replied.

Sonia looked at him. “I know. I just wanted to ask what we talked about last night? How did the call go on for more than 300 minutes?”

“Nothing much. You fell asleep.” His clarification was rather short and simple.

However, she didn’t seem to be convinced, frowning at his reply. “What do you mean? Are you saying that after I answered the call, I didn’t say anything to you and went straight to sleep?”

“Yes.” Toby nodded. “When I called you, you answered, murmured something, then stopped responding.”

Only now did Sonia get the picture of the situation. They hadn’t said anything at all over the phone last night, and she had merely slept throughout the phone call. “President Fuller, why didn’t you just hang up? Why did you just let the call go on like that?” Her lips twitched a little as she stated what seemed to be common sense.

Toby smiled, but he didn’t reply. He couldn’t tell her that he did it just to listen to her breathing and imagine that she was sleeping right beside him. Because he knew that if he said such things, she would think that he was crazy.

Seeing how Toby just smiled silently, Sonia was puzzled and couldn’t understand what was on his mind.

However, seeing how Toby behaved, Sonia knew he didn’t want to share. This was why she gave up pursuing the topic. Instead, she simply asked about his reason for calling her.

“Nothing much. I just wanted to ask when exactly you’d be back today. I never thought that you’d be asleep by the time I called.” Toby took a glass of water sitting on the bedside table and took a sip from it.

Sonia’s red lips parted as she was about to say something, but just then, a knock on the door interrupted her, and Tom’s voice sounded from outside. “President Fuller, I got the lunch you asked for.”

“I’ll get the door.” Without waiting for Toby to respond, Sonia stood up almost instantly.

After all, the food is meant for me. If I don’t take it myself, who would? Certainly not Toby.

Sonia walked over and opened the door.

Tom wasn’t surprised to see her. He simply passed the food to Sonia. “Miss Reed, President Fuller asked me to get this for you.”

Toby just had his lunch, so Tom knew that he wouldn’t want to eat right now. So, this lunch was obviously meant for Sonia. “Thank you, Mr. Brown. Sorry for the trouble.” Sonia took the bag of food.

“Don’t worry. I was just following orders.” With that, Tom closed the door.

Sonia stared at the door, then shrugged helplessly. Tom’s behavior toward her had changed from a few days ago, where he would glare at her for no reason, but now he was extra cold when he talked to her.

Still, this was a consequence she had to shoulder. I caused his superior’s injury, after all.

Sonia lowered her gaze and smiled, then turned around and went back to the bed. Toby was doing something on his tablet. When he saw her return, he looked up. “Eat up. I have a favor to ask from you when you’re done.”

“Do you need help with anything?” Sonia blinked as she asked.

Toby smiled faintly. “I’ll tell you after you’ve eaten.”

“All right.” Seeing how he refused to tell, Sonia didn’t prod any further and sat down to eat. As Sonia ate, no words were exchanged between them as they busied themselves with their respective tasks.

While Sonia had her lunch, Toby read the reports. The huge ward was silent save for the chewing and breathing. After about half an hour, Sonia finished her meal, gathered the trash, then disposed of it outside.

When Sonia came back, she was walking too fast, so she didn’t notice where she was going. She stubbed her toe against the bed frame and lost her balance, after which she fell forward.

Seeing that, Toby tensed up, tossing his tablet away as he moved to pull her arm.

However, it was too late. Toby didn’t manage to save Sonia, and the latter fell onto his bed, her upper body buried in the blanket.


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