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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 470

Chapter 470 You Will Regret It

When the clock struck four, Sonia left. Toby didn’t hold her back either, allowing the care worker to see her off.

Upon exiting the hospital building, Sonia stopped in her tracks and said to the care worker, “You can go back now. Thank you.”

“All right, Miss Reed.” The care worker nodded and turned around, re-entering the hospital.

Sonia took her luggage and got ready to hail a cab by the road. When she came to the roadside, a shiny black Benz came along and pulled up in front of her.

The door of the car opened, and Rina got out of the car. When she saw Sonia, she was stunned for a while, and then she put on a smile as she greeted, “What a coincidence, Miss Reed! Did you just come out of the hospital?”

Sonia narrowed her eyes and answered without expression, “That has nothing to do with you.” She didn’t expect Rina to be out of custody so soon.

Seeing Sonia’s upset attitude, Rina didn’t get angry in return. The smile remained on her face as she said, “Miss Reed, you don’t have to be so wary. We know each other, so there’s no need for such a tense relationship. I still owe you big time.”

“Owe me big time?” Sonia smirked.

Rina nodded. “Yes, if it weren’t for you and Mr. Coleman, I would still be in the Carey Family, suffering the wrath of that couple. I wouldn’t have known that I was actually the child of a rich family, so I’m very grateful to you and Mr. Coleman for finding me so that I could finally return to the Gray Family.”

Hearing that, Sonia had her expression turned sour. If she had known earlier that Rina’s stand-in turned out to be the real deal, she wouldn’t have agreed to Zane’s suggestion to place a spy in the Gray Family.

Then, she wouldn’t have to come to a situation where she failed to get any information out of the Gray Family, and she even had to be plotted against.

“I see that your way of repaying kindness is to bite the hand that feeds you. If so, then I really have to think twice before accepting your thanks.” Sonia snorted as she looked at Rina.

Something flitted across Rina’s eyes, but she quickly recovered herself. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she replied, “I’m in the wrong in this case. I wasn’t thinking straight. Should I make it up to you right here?”

“No, I won’t accept your apology. Also, let me tell you this, Taylor—”

“Miss Reed, please call me Rina!” Rina corrected her, smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

Sonia’s frown was followed by an unexpected smirk. “Ever so eager to throw away that name, aren’t you?”

“What’s wrong with that? I wasn’t Taylor Carey in the first place, was I?” Rina narrowed her eyes.

Sonia jutted out her chin. “Yes, you’re not Taylor Carey, but you cannot deny that you have been Taylor for more than 20 years. So there’s nothing wrong with me calling you Taylor, is there?”

“You—” Seeing that Sonia refused to change even after Rina’s reminder, Rina couldn’t keep her smile on any longer. She was so pissed that her face got distorted by anger, and she glared at Sonia as she spoke. “You’re doing it on purpose, aren’t you? You’re calling me Taylor just to disgust me!”

“I can’t help it if that’s what you want to think.” Sonia shrugged irresponsibly.

Rina’s chest puffed in and out in anger. After a while, she finally snorted. “Hah, Miss Reed, you cannot do anything to me ever since I was confirmed to be Rina Gray. So now you can only use words to make me feel bad.”

“Who said so?” Sonia gave Rina an icy cold glare. “I can do much more than make you feel bad; I can make you cry like a baby. Don’t think that a few days in the detention center would be sufficient to pay for what you did to me. I will remember your actions, and I will have my tenfold revenge in the future. Also, let me tell you this: the best way to exact revenge isn’t to kill them; it’s to strip them of everything they’ve ever loved.”

Sonia paused and examined the branded clothes and bag on Rina. A sarcastic smile crept into her lips as she said, “You have been through poverty, so now luxury is the thing you love the most. When I destroy the Gray Family, I wonder if you’d break down.”

Rina clenched her fists tightly as she glared at Sonia. “Destroy the Gray Family? You and what army?”

Sonia crossed her arms. “What do you think? I have the Colemans and the Lanes backing me, and if I ever request it, the Fullers are willing to help me as well. Do you still think that I cannot destroy the Grays? If I want to, I can have them act right now, and the Grays won’t be able to last till tomorrow morning. The entire family will be history!”


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