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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 472

Chapter 472 Dinner Is on Me

Sonia was bothered that Paradigm Co. would be placed under investigation. Although Paradigm Co. hadn’t been involved in any illegal matters after she took over, the company had previous involvements in shady deals.

Ever since Sonia’s father passed away, Paradigm Co. had been managed by Asher, and Sonia knew he was a greedy man that would do anything to reach his goals.

Four months ago, when Rebecca took over the finance department, she found a lot of fake accounts as well as cases of tax evasion, all of them Asher’s doing.

Sonia had canceled the fake accounts and got Rebecca to turn over all the evaded taxes. Still, there might still be some hidden issues with the company.

After all, Asher had been managing the company for six years more than her. He had way more people working under him in different departments, so she couldn’t have known if he was involved in any other unethical transactions.

Still, based on her understanding of Asher, she knew that there were definitely more things that she hadn’t been able to find out. Therefore, Paradigm Co. would surely be ended if it was under investigation.

Noticing that Sonia looked tense and was frowning, Zane immediately knew what she was worried about and chuckled. “Don’t be nervous. You look like a grandmother when you’re frowning. Calm down. I’ve already said that it is good news. The companies in Seafield that will be investigated this time are Triforce Enterprise and Darwin Group.”

“Triforce Enterprise and Darwin Group?” Sonia sighed in relief upon knowing that Paradigm Co. wouldn’t be investigated as her racing heart started to calm down.

Patting her chest gently to calm herself down, Sonia asked curiously, “I’m not surprised that Triforce Enterprise would be chosen since they’ve been involved in many scandals during these few months, but why is Darwin Group chosen as well? By right, Paradigm Co. has higher chances of getting picked, doesn’t it?”

“That’s true. They’ve initially decided on Paradigm Co. and Triforce Enterprise because of the notorious Gray Family feud, but a homicide happened in Darwin Group recently. Because of the unique nature of the case, it hadn’t been announced to the public yet. Still, the authorities had already known about it, so they decided to pick Darwin Group while leaving a spot for either Paradigm Co. or Triforce Enterprise,” Zane explained while sipping on his water.

Sonia nodded. “So, Paradigm Co. got lucky, huh?”

“You can put it that way, but it is also mainly because of what my father did covertly. Since we held grudges against the Gray Family, of course, we’d prefer if Triforce Enterprise got investigated. I don’t believe that Triforce Enterprise is not involved in anything illegal, so it would be the end for the Gray Family and their company if the authorities find something wrong with their operations. By then, we will make our moves on Titus with no scruples.”

Then, Zane gave Sonia a look. “What do you think, Sonia? Isn’t this good news?”

Clenching her fists together, Sonia nodded with an excited look in her eyes. “Of course! This is great news!”

Zane and Sonia had always been trying to get their hands on evidence that Triforce Enterprise was involved in illegal transactions, and that was why they arranged for Taylor to infiltrate the Gray Family.

If they could get evidence of Triforce Enterprise’s crimes and hand them over to the relevant party, no one wouldn’t stop them from making a move on Triforce Enterprise and the Gray Family. In fact, they might even get support.

However, Triforce Enterprise had been covering up their tracks really well, so Sonia and Zane couldn’t get their hands on any evidence even though they had been investigating for a long time.

In a twist of events, the authorities actually wanted to launch an investigation on Triforce Enterprise now.

Instead of doing secret investigations like Sonia and Zane to prevent Titus from getting alerted and destroying evidence, the authorities could conduct a broad investigation. The professional search team deployed by the authorities didn’t have to worry about alerting anyone, seeing how powerful they were.

At the thought of that, Sonia got even more excited as she urged, “Zane, when are they starting the investigations?”

“It should be within these three months. I can’t tell when for sure since they have ten companies to investigate after all,” Zane answered before shrugging.

Right then, Sonia grinned cheerfully. “Three months is fine. It should be pretty quick. If it was us investigating, I bet we will need more than a year for this.”

“You’re right,” Zane answered in a laid-back tone while he placed his hands on the backrest behind him.

At the same time, Sonia’s body was trembling due to excitement as her beautiful eyes glowed.

Three months. After the wait, I’ll finally be able to get revenge for Dad. This is fantastic news for me.


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