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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 490

Chapter 490 Stepsister Appears

She held the phone with one hand and clutched her chest. A long while later, she finally spoke, but her voice was hoarse. “I understand. I won’t be going tomorrow, so tell your boss not to worry. I did say I would never show up in front of him ever again, and I intend to uphold that promise. And tell your boss congratulations. He and Miss McRae will make a wonderful pair.” She put her phone down and hung up right away.

Tom frowned curiously. “What is she talking about?” Why should I congratulate President Fuller? And what does she mean he and Miss McRae make a great pair?

Daphne noticed that Sonia was looking a bit pale after hanging up, so she asked, “What’s wrong, Miss Reed?”

“I’m fine.” She bit her lip, but since she was using too much force, her lip paled.

She just thought it was ironic. It was acceptable that Toby suddenly went back on his word and switched his partner out. After all, he did tell her to never show her face around him again, so it was normal that he didn’t want her to be his partner. She already had that guess, so Tom’s call just confirmed it.

She was already prepared because she had a guess that Toby would cancel the invitation, but she still felt hurt when she got the news. That wasn’t the most important thing, of course. Her real gripe was that Toby only told her about the cancellation after he found another partner.

Is he playing me for a fool? To make a clearer example, let’s say they were still a couple, but Toby actually found another girl before he told her about the breakup. It was like she was dumped after she outlived her usefulness. He could have told me to not go before he got a new partner, but he didn’t! And he got Lily as his partner out of all people.

The more she thought about it, the more restless she was. In the end, she leaned back and pinched the area between her brows in exhaustion. “Leave me be, Daphne. I want some alone time.”

“Yes, Miss Reed.” Daphne looked at her worriedly before leaving the office.

After she left, Daphne called Charles’ number. She actually didn’t want to call him over Sonia. After all, Sonia was her romantic rival even though Sonia didn’t like Charles.

But she knew Charles had liked Sonia for a long time now. If Sonia was unhappy, Charles wouldn’t be happy. She loved Charles and would not want to see him sad, so even though Sonia was her romantic rival, she would still call Charles and ask him to come over and take a look. After all, love could be both selfish and selfless. Her love was the latter. She knew it was impossible for her to date Charles, so she could never be selfish. That was why she wanted her loved one to be happy.

Once the call went through, Charles asked, “What is it, Daphne?”

“Mr. Lane, I need to tell you something. Miss Reed seems off after taking a particular call. Do you want to come over and take a look?” Daphne looked at Sonia’s office as she spoke.

Charles leapt to his feet the moment Daphne said something was off about Sonia. “Who called my baby?”

Daphne was hurt hearing the man she loved calling someone else ‘baby’, but she held it down. She took a deep breath and said calmly, “It was Mr. Fuller’s assistant—Tom Brown.”

“Tom Brown?” The mention of that name soured his mood.


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