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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 493

Chapter 493 Put on the Spot

When Charles caught sight of Toby and Lily, he curled his lips to give Toby a smirk. “President Fuller, your taste in women seems rather different nowadays. I have always assumed that you liked people like Tina, who look all innocent, weak, and pure. How did you end up with such a hot and feisty girl like her? On top of that, it seems like you guys also enjoy flirting with each other in public.”

Toby’s expression darkened the moment he heard Charles’s words. Immediately after that, Toby turned to give Lily a glare. “Let go of me.” He would have pulled his arm away from her, but he was worried that her dress would slip off her chest as she was wearing a strapless outfit. If that weren’t the case, Toby would have certainly shoved her away instead of speaking to her so nicely.

Lily didn’t seem to realize how displeased Toby was, so she pouted unhappily when she heard his orders.

“I’m your partner, President Fuller. Holding hands—”

“I told you to let go!” Toby cut her off heartlessly. The air around them seemed to turn cold, and Toby’s expression looked grimmer than before. The iciness in his tone of voice was too obvious to be ignored. Lily shuddered at the cold aura surrounding them, and she unconsciously let go of Toby’s arm. Her face had turned into the color of paper.

Toby spoke without any expression on his face.

“I told you about this before. I just want you to stand still and look pretty, okay? Don’t you dare mess things up for me—I’ve already told you that I will immediately cancel the partnership with the McRae Family if something like this happens. I can’t believe you completely ignored my orders.”

“I’m sorry, President Fuller. I… I’ll learn from my mistakes.” Panic spread across Lily’s face when she heard Toby’s threat to cancel the partnership with the McRaes.

“I really won’t do this again, President Fuller. Please don’t cancel the partnership—my dad will murder me if that happens.” Lily was on the verge of tears because of how worried she was. I completely regret what I did earlier. In the past, I was only able to admire this man from afar­—I never had the chance to be so close to him.

Now that the guy of my dreams chose me as his female partner and that he’s even considering marrying me, I’m too elated to think straight. That’s why I did what I did. Furthermore, even if Toby noticed my actions, I would have never expected him to expose me in front of others. There are so many people here. He should’ve considered my dignity.

However, Lily was clearly wrong. Toby didn’t care about her pride and dignity at all as his actions put her on the spot. For the past 20 or so years of her life, she had never felt as embarrassed as she did at that moment. She instinctively covered her face, but her neck and ears had turned beet red.

Charles, who had been watching the entire scene, felt rather guilty and sorry when he saw the look on Lily’s face. He was the one who had provoked Toby, after all, which meant he was the reason Toby targeted Lily and placed Lily in such an awkward situation. Once Charles recognized that he was at fault, he no longer lounged around just to enjoy the show. Instead, he straightened his back and cleared his throat before speaking. “Well, Toby, she might have made a mistake, but I don’t think you have to cancel the partnership with her family, right? Isn’t that a little too heartless?”

Toby shot Charles a cold glare. “Mind your own business. You have no right to stick your nose into my matters.” With that said, Toby pulled a chair out to take a seat. Lily hurried to Toby with her head low, and she pulled out the chair beside him to sit down. He’s still insistent on canceling the partnership. I guess I’ll have to continue begging him once this event is over.

Soon enough, the social event came to an official start. Most of the well-known figures at the event were there to meet Toby—they all wanted to work with Toby on their new projects. Charles, on the other hand, only got a chance to be exposed to such powerful people because of his father’s connections.

However, Charles realized that he couldn’t understand the other guests’ discussions about their new projects at all. The Lane Family wasn’t involved in the same field of business, so they had never explored such topics. At the same time, Charles was also well aware of the fact that the social event had nothing to do with him—he wouldn’t be invited to be a part of such projects even if he could fathom what they were saying.


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