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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 502

Chapter 502 Our Secret Hideout

“I’m not sure about that,” the admin said while shaking her head. “Perhaps you can give him a call.”

“Alright. Thank you so much for your help!” Sonia beamed at the staff before turning to head out of the building. While walking back to her car, she pulled her phone out to dial Charles’ number. However, once the call went through, Sonia was greeted by the flat, robotic tone of a female instead of Charles’ voice. “Hello. The number you’ve dialed is unavailable. Please try again later…”

Sonia frowned as she pulled the phone away from her ear. That’s odd. Did Charles turn his phone off? What’s up with him? Sonia bit her bottom lip as she stuck a finger out to tap on her phone screen. She made another call—this time, she contacted Grace.

Grace’s phone wasn’t turned off, and she picked up the phone after it rang for a while. “What a surprise, Sonia! Why are you calling?” Grace’s gentle and warm voice filled Sonia’s ear once the call went through.

Sonia smiled. “I’m calling because I miss you, of course! Apart from that, I also have something to ask you.”

“What is it?” Grace sat down on the couch and elegantly sipped on her coffee.

Sonia leaned against her car seat as she explained herself. “Well, I was wondering… Do you know if Charles is home now?”

“Charles?” Grace shook her head. “He’s not home. He should be in the office at this hour.”

“He’s not here,” Sonia uttered as she rubbed her temples. Grace put her coffee cup down when she heard this. “He’s not in the office, huh?”


“Hmm… Perhaps he’s out to meet a client. Otherwise, he might have gone to supervise one of the factories. Why don’t you just call him if you’re looking for him, Sonia?” Grace asked.

“I called him a while ago, but he had his phone turned off.” Sonia rested her forehead against her palm as she spoke in an exasperated tone.

Grace shrugged upon hearing this. “Well, I can’t do anything to help, then. He can be really stubborn sometimes, and no one ever manages to find him when he decides to hide. I’m surprised that he’s hiding from you, Sonia. Did you guys get into an argument?”

“No. We didn’t argue about anything,” Sonia uttered with a glazed look in her eyes. “He called me earlier, and we had a decent chat. However, he sounded rather emotional toward the end of the call, and he disappeared after that. I’m not sure what to do with him either.”

“What were you guys talking about? Can you tell me about it? Perhaps I can put the pieces together,” Grace offered. Sonia nodded as she gave Grace a summary of her conversation with Charles earlier. After Grace listened to Sonia’s explanation, she remained silent for a long while.

Sonia felt her heart sinking when she realized this. “Why are you being so quiet, Mrs. Lane? Did I do something to make Charles mad?”

“No,” Grace replied with a smile. “You didn’t offend him in any way. This has to do with his own issues.” There was a hint of frustration in Grace’s voice.

“His own issues…? Sonia tilted her head sideways—she felt more confused than ever. “Have you figured out what’s wrong with Charles, Mrs. Lane?” she asked directly.


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