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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 509

Chapter 509 Toby’s Gift

Rose stared at Toby confusedly. “What is it?”

Toby didn’t respond to her question. “Her dress is stained. I’ll bring her to change into a new evening gown,” he said instead. Rose then realized the damp stain that was making Sonia’s dress stick to her skin. “You’re right,” Rose said while nodding. “Go on and get changed. You don’t want to catch a cold.”

“Come on.” Toby gave Sonia a nod. Sonia didn’t reject his offer and simply tagged along behind him. She did wish to get changed as the damp dress wasn’t just cold against her skin; it also felt sticky and reeked of alcohol, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Both of them walked toward the lounge. Zane didn’t go after them, but stood in his spot with his wine glass in his hand as he watched the tall man and the petite woman walking next to each other. A rather glum expression formed on Zane’s face as he realized how they seemed like a perfect match. I’m sure Sonia has caught feelings for Toby again! But it doesn’t look like she’s aware of it yet. Well, it looks like I won the bet. But why don’t I feel happy at all?

Once they got to the lounge, Toby opened the door to let Sonia in. “You can go in and take a shower. I’ll bring the evening gown over.”

“Alright. Thanks,” Sonia uttered before giving him a polite smile.

“Don’t worry about it,” he replied before turning and walking off. Sonia watched him disappear from the walkway once he turned a corner before she entered the lounge and shut the door behind her. Then, she took a shower in the washroom to get rid of the alcohol stench on her body.

Toby returned while she was still showering. The moment he let himself into the lounge, he heard the sound of running water coming from the washroom. He could see a blurry shadow of Sonia’s curvy figure when he glanced at the washroom’s frosted glass door. He could tell that she was showering from the way she moved, and his gaze darkened as he gulped. “I brought you your evening gown, Sonia,” he croaked in a deep voice.

Sonia wasn’t aware of the fact that Toby could see her figure, and she continued showering while she responded to him. “Sure. Just leave it outside the washroom.”

“Okay. I’ll go out now.” Toby placed the gift box on the couch before he walked out of the lounge. He no longer looked in the direction of the washroom as one glance was already enough to make his entire body burn with desire. Toby was like any regular man—his body couldn’t remain calm when he saw his lover showering behind a frosted glass door.

If Toby didn’t walk out, and if he took another look in the direction of the washroom, he wasn’t sure what he might end up doing. So, he let himself out of the lounge.

About ten minutes later, Sonia turned the water off and wrapped herself in a towel before she got out of the washroom. The lounge was empty, and Sonia didn’t know where Toby had left the dress, so she looked around for her new outfit. Finally, she noticed a delicately-wrapped gift box on the couch. She was certain that the gift box hadn’t been there when she entered the room earlier. Is this the new outfit that Toby brought over for me?

She walked over to get a better look at the box. There was no logo on the box, so she couldn’t tell the outfit’s brand. However, the packaging of the box told her that it had to contain an evening gown within it. Sonia bent down to open the box. Inside, she found a black, spaghetti-strapped evening gown that was made of silk. The smooth fabric reflected the light in the room, and the dress itself shone like a constellation of stars in the night sky.

Sonia took the gorgeous dress out only to realize that it was exactly her size. It’s impossible for Toby to have gotten someone to buy a dress within such a short period of time. Does that mean he already bought this a long time ago? But why did he get me an evening gown? I doubt he knew that Jean was going to bump into me. That means that this dress…

“A-choo!” Sonia shuddered and let out a sneeze that disrupted her thought process. After that, she hastily got changed before walking out. The moment she opened the door to head out of the lounge, she was greeted by the heavy smell of cigarette smoke. She frowned and turned to find Toby leaning against the wall while smoking a cigarette. The smoke covered his face, making it hard for Sonia to read his expression.

He looked like he was thinking as he stood extremely still with his gaze fixed on the ground. When Sonia shut the door behind her, he heard it and looked up immediately. “Are you done?” he asked as he turned to Sonia.

“Mhmm,” she mumbled. “You’re not fully recovered yet. Why are you smoking?” she uttered in a rather critical tone.

“I’m just thinking about some stuff,” he said as he walked over to her.


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