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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 514

Chapter 514 I’m Waiting for Her

Sonia was supposed to be Zane’s dance partner, after all. She had accepted his invitation, but she ended up abandoning him and walking off with Toby. At least he has Emily as his partner, Sonia thought. At least he didn’t end up in an awkward situation where he was left alone. Regardless, Sonia knew that she had broken her promise with Zane the moment she walked off with Toby. She knew that she owed Zane an apology.

At that thought, Sonia massaged her temples before she pulled her handphone out of her bag to give Zane a call. Zane picked up after a few seconds, and he didn’t sound the least bit amused as he spoke in a glum voice. “Sonia.”

“Where are you, Zane?” she asked.

He was silent for two seconds before he responded. “I’m in the car.”

“The car?” Sonia froze for a second. “Mhmm,” Zane replied before he honked lightly. Sonia tightened her grip on her phone when she heard the sound of the vehicle in the background of the call. “Did you go home?”

“Yeah,” Zane said honestly.

“Why? The party isn’t over yet—why did you leave all of a sudden?” Sonia bit her lower lip.

“I’ve been there for a while already, so I don’t think it makes a difference if I stay for the second half of the party.” He steered the car with one hand as he continued talking. “Why are you calling me, anyway?”

“I’m calling to apologize,” she uttered before letting out a sigh.

“You’re apologizing to me?” He was stunned.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, Zane. I promised to be your partner, yet I didn’t finish the dance with you. I even…” Her voice faded off. I even forgot about you by the end of the dance. I wouldn’t have thought of you at all if your name hadn’t popped up in my mind for a brief moment, Sonia thought.

He chuckled. “I see. It’s fine. We danced for quite a while, anyway.”

“I still feel a little guilty,” she mumbled in a weak tone. Upon hearing her words, Zane’s eyes lit up for a moment. “If you truly feel sorry toward me, then why don’t you buy me a meal tomorrow? I have some stuff that I need to tell you, anyway.”

“What is it?” She was curious.

“You’ll find out tomorrow,” he replied in a mysterious tone. Sonia couldn’t say much—she knew that he was being secretive on purpose. “Fine,” she said with a shrug. “What time shall we meet tomorrow?”

“Let’s meet in the afternoon. I’ll pick you up from your office,” Zane replied as he glanced at the digital clock in his car.

“Okay.” Sonia nodded.

“Alright. You should head home to get some rest. I’ll end the call now; I need to drive,” he said in a warm and gentle voice. She smiled upon hearing his words. “Okay. Goodbye.” After ending the call, Sonia let out a sigh of relief. That’s great. At least this matter isn’t weighing down on me anymore. I really hate feeling indebted to other people. That’s why I made this call—I wanted to buy Zane lunch because I don’t want to feel like I owe him anything. I may have cleared my debts with Zane, but Toby…

Sonia felt overwhelmed whenever she thought about all that Toby had done for her. She returned to her seat and lifted her glass of juice as she shifted her gaze to the man on stage. Although Toby’s left arm was hanging from a sling, his aura was as strong as ever. Wherever he went, he naturally turned into the brightest source of light in the entire room.


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