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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 517

Chapter 517 Tina’s Suicide

“You’re being so mysterious.” Rose took a sip of her tea before she continued speaking. “Well, I won’t probe any further if that’s the case. However, there’s something else I’d like to know. Sonia isn’t aware of the fact that she has fallen for you, and I wanted to point it out earlier, but you stopped me before I could do it. Why did you do that?”

“Because now isn’t the right time.” Toby leaned against his seat. “Sonia hasn’t realized her feelings for me, so she might not accept it if we were to point it out to her now. I’m afraid she might feel disgusted and resistant toward such a statement. My plan is for her to realize it on her own so that she can naturally accept the fact that she has fallen for me.”

There was no point in getting others to tell Sonia about her feelings—she wouldn’t accept it, and she might avoid or hide from Toby if that happened. The best solution was for Sonia to think things through, as this would make it more likely for her to accept Toby.

Rose gave him a thoughtful nod. “You’re right. Well, since you’ve already decided on this, you should just go along with your plan. However, I really hope that you can get married to Sonia soon. You don’t have to worry about Jean; I’ll keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t pull any tricks.” Rose’s face darkened at the mention of Jean.

If it weren’t for the fact that Jean had taken care of Toby and was Tyler’s biological mother, Rose would have kicked her out of the house a long time ago. Jean didn’t know how to do anything except give the family more issues.

“I got it, Grandma. I hope it’s not too much trouble for you to deal with Mom.” Toby stood up to give Rose a bow. Rose hastily gestured for him to sit, and she was about to tell him something when she saw Tom walking over with Sonia. “Sonia’s here.” Rose let out a large grin. Toby immediately turned to see Sonia walking toward them.

Sonia hadn’t expected to bump into Toby there, and a look of suspicion flashed across her face before she looked away and pretended not to see him. “Grandma!” Sonia greeted with a smile.

“Take a seat, Sonia.” Rose patted on the spot beside her.

Sonia shook her head. “It’s fine, Grandma. I came to bid you goodbye. It’s getting late, so I’d like to head home now.”

“I see. That’s fine.” Rose knew that it was getting late, and she didn’t stop Sonia as she knew that Sonia had work the next day. Instead, Rose used her walking stick to support her to her feet. “You had a few drinks earlier, so you can’t go home on your own. I’ll get Toby to send you home.”

Does she want Toby to send me home? Sonia immediately rejected the offer. “It’s fine, Grandma. I’ll just call for a personal driver to take my car. He drank alcohol too, so he can’t drive me back.”

Toby’s face was grim as he spoke. “Tom didn’t drink. He can send us back.”

“Us?” Sonia froze.

Toby lowered his cup as he got to his feet. “I should be leaving too, Grandma. I’ll get Tom to drive us back now so that he can get off work earlier after that.”

“Great. You guys should leave together, then.” Rose rolled her eyes at Toby when Sonia wasn’t looking. It’s so obvious that he wants to leave together with Sonia. Well, I guess that’s good—that’s what I intended to do when I told him to send Sonia home.

“Look, I don’t need to follow you guys. I can—” Sonia was about to say something when Rose patted the back of her hand. “Alright, Sonia, go along now. I’d feel more at ease knowing that Toby’s the one sending you. I’d be more worried if you just hired a stranger as your personal driver.”

Rose turned to Toby just to pretend to give him a stern warning. “You’d better make sure that you send her home safely. You’ll be the first person I look for if something happens to Sonia.”

“Okay.” Toby nodded.

Sonia let out a bitter laugh. Fine. Grandma already has everything planned out for me, so I can’t do much, can I? If I reject her now, it’d seem like I’m being disrespectful. Forget it. Let’s just do it. “We’ll leave now, Grandma.” Sonia tidied her hair before she bid goodbye to Rose.

When Toby heard Sonia referring to them as ‘we’, he curled his lips into a slight smirk. Rose merely chuckled as she waved. “Okay, okay. Goodbye.”


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