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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 525

Chapter 525 Warm the Feet

But seeing them together was unacceptable for Julia. She shot up and yelled at Toby, her eyes red, “Tina is dead, Toby!”

Toby never thought Julia would talk to him, so he stopped, and Sonia and Tom followed suit. Toby looked at Julia coldly. “And?”

“Aren’t you even sad?” Julia clutched her chest angrily.

Toby sneered at her. “No,” he said coolly. “I want her dead.”

“What?” Julia couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and she lost her bearing.

Fortunately, Titus stood up and held her in time. “That was uncalled for, Toby. You and Tina used to date. How could you say that after she just died? You’re an animal!”

“I’m the animal?” Toby’s face hardened, and the air around him started feeling heavy. “Sonia and I used to be pen pals. We would have started dating and eventually gotten happily married if we had met, but Tina ruined it. She impersonated Sonia and met up with me. And she even did—” He stopped himself and thought about it for a second before continuing, “If she hadn’t done what she did to me, do you really think I would have dated her? I wouldn’t have even looked at her.”

What’s he talking about? Sonia squinted at Toby suspiciously. He said Tina did something to him, and that’s why he ended up with her. Question is, what did Tina do?

Sonia looked at Tom. Tom knew what she wanted to know, and he turned away in a hurry so he wouldn’t make eye contact.

But that only made her more suspicious. Something’s wrong. What are they hiding from me?

“You… You…” The Grays couldn’t even say anything to Toby, apparently because they were furious.

Toby looked away and decided to ignore them. “Let’s go,” he told Sonia. “We shouldn’t waste our time with them.”

“Okay.” Sonia nodded. She didn’t ask him what he was hiding. She knew he wouldn’t tell her even if she asked, since he was deliberately keeping it a secret. In that case, there was no need to ask.

They came to the car and Tom took out the keys to unlock the doors. He was about to open the backseat door for Toby and Sonia, but the moment he extended his hand, Toby was already pulling the door open. “Get in.”

Sonia got in without hesitation, since she was already freezing. Her upper body was cold, but it was still acceptable, but her feet were already protesting. She had to wear an evening gown to attend Rose’s birthday banquet, so she had to pair it with beautiful heels. There was no winter edition for heels, so her feet were already freezing from the moment she wore the heels up until now. They were already getting numb as well.

“Drive,” after Sonia gotin, Toby turned around and ordered Tom.

Tom shrugged and went into the driver’s seat.

Toby was the last to get in. After he did, he knocked on the driver’s seat. “Turn the heater on.” He knew Sonia was freezing a long time ago. Her face was red from the cold, and she was curling up. He had also seen her stomping her feet to warm them up.

“Yes, sir,” Tom answered and turned the heater on.

The temperature went up quickly, and the car became warmer in no time. The chill faded, and Sonia slowly eased up.

At the same time, Toby unbuttoned his suit and blurted, “Take them off.”


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