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Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again novel Chapter 532

Chapter 532 A Close Call

“Sure.” Sonia nodded as she grabbed a fork and sliced the Black Forest cake before putting it into her mouth. With the soft texture and sweetness, the cake tasted so delicious that Sonia lost herself in it while her eyes curled upward like a smile.

“It looks like you love it a lot,” Toby commented with a smile upon noticing Sonia’s reaction.

“Well, the taste is indeed not bad.” Sonia gave her compliment.

Toby held his cup of coffee in the air and said, “Glad to hear that. I have a few more right here, so you could take them away if you want.”

“Thanks then,” Sonia replied and took a sip of her black tea. Deep down, she couldn’t deny how much she loved the cake, so she reckoned she might as well take a few more slices of it since she had already eaten one. After finishing the cake on her plate, she put it down and grabbed the bag beside her before handing it over to Toby. “This is the jewelry you gave me. Thank you so much.”

“No worries.” Toby received the bag and gave it to Tom. “Please take care of it.”

“Sure, President Fuller.” Tom nodded and took the bag to the lounge, where there was a safe.

Watching as Tom walked away, Sonia asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to examine it? Aren’t you afraid that I’d substitute it with a counterfeit?”

“No need for that. I don’t think you’d do that either.” Toby added while drinking his coffee, “Furthermore, I wouldn’t complain either, even if you did that.”

Meeting the man’s sentimental eyes, Sonia felt her heart pounding even faster as she couldn’t help but keep her head down.

On the other hand, Toby let out a sigh, feeling dismayed at Sonia’s slight resistance, although she had stopped rejecting his advances to woo her. After all, he couldn’t stop wondering when she would ever realize she was already in love with him if she continued to fight her emotions and resist his advances. Ugh, man! I wish I could just tell her everything and ignore the fact that it may backfire.

While Toby was caught up in his thoughts, Sonia’s phone suddenly rang. She then reached for her phone in her purse and realized it was a call from her secretary, Daphne. Thus, she chuckled at Toby in embarrassment. “Excuse me, President Fuller. I’d like to answer this phone call.”

“Sure.” Toby nodded.

Sonia slid across her phone screen to answer the call, whereupon she put it to her ear. “Hello.”

“President Reed, I found something about the car license plate number that you told me to investigate earlier,” Daphne answered.

Sonia sat upright and asked, “What did you find? Who is the owner of the car? Is there anything fishy about it?”

The owner of the car? Toby pricked up his ears and put down his cup of coffee while staring at her. What’s going on? Is she in some kind of trouble?

“The owner is just a normal civilian who has been using the car for years, so everything seems fine here,” Daphne replied while skimming through her results.

“Alright, I heard you.” Sonia nodded when she heard her secretary’s reply. She then put her phone away and heaved a sigh of relief with her mind put to ease. It looks like the driver who happened to be going the same way as we did this morning is just a normal civilian. Well, I guess I can rest assured now knowing that he wasn’t actually tailing us.

Noticing Sonia’s relief, Toby squinted and asked in a concerned manner, “What happened?”

“Oh, it’s no big deal, but it’s already dealt with anyway.” Sonia smiled faintly.


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