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Bride behind the mask novel (Marguerite) novel Chapter 617

Chapter 617 

Frederick hadn’t once brought up the idea of getting married on the same day as Marguerite, let alone marrying Yuna. 

“If memory serves, it’s you who had been saying that,” Frederick remarked, and Marguerite was momentarily flabbergasted, 

Then it struck her, as she replayed the myriad of interactions with him over the past few days. He really hadn’t mentioned it, not once. 

But how had the rumor of his engagement to Yuna reached her ears? 

It took her a moment, but then she pinpointed the source, Maurice. He’d been revealing “information” to her, even deliberately leaking the false news of Frederick’s concurrent wedding plans. But after figuring out this, Marguerite was more puzzled than ever. 

Her face a picture of urgency, she pressed, “Even if it was all in my head, why didn’t you correct me when I brought it up?” 

Frederick chuckled, “And what would that prove, exactly?” 

Marguerite was momentarily stumped, words failing her. What did she want to prove? That Frederick had no intention of marrying Yuna? Or that he still harbored some soft spot for her? 

Marguerite had always been greedy when it came to him. She wanted to prove both, yet as the words reached her lips, she was filled with hesitation, leaving her mute. 

Frederick’s lips curled into a half-smile, his gaze fixed intently on her, a playful triumph 

twinkling in his eyes. 

He seemed to revel in her look of distress, as if it offered some outlet for the resentment 

he felt over her past betrayal. 

Miley, watching the verbal spar turn into an awkward silence, glanced between Marguerite 

and Frederick. 

Considering herself a guru in matters of the heart, she sensed an opportunity and, not one to miss a beat, decided to play cupid. 

She pulled out her phone and shot a covert text to Robert sitting across the table: 

[We can’t change Yuna’s situation, but we shouldn’t just give up. Let’s stop their 


Robert glanced at his screen, his brow furrowing as he shot a puzzled look Miley’s way. 

[What’s your angle now?] 

Miley’s fingers danced across the keyboard, her face beaming with mischief. [First off, we 



get Mr. Winston sloshed, maybe even cozy in bed. That should help him confront his true feelings, right? I mean, he and Marguerite haven’t ever hit the hay, have they?] 

Robert massaged his forehead in exasperation. [Getting Frederick drunk might be easier said than done. Might as well slip him a pill.] 


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