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Caged Between the beta and alpha novel Chapter 119

Caged between the beta & alpha chapter 119 A Miracle Bonus Chapter

A Miracle Bonus Chapter

– A Miracle LIAM

” That’s it , Raven you got this hun . ” Kiara encouraged , holding her hand , her purple aura swirling around her as Raven breathed steadily , pain contorting her face as she pushed .

” And again ! Almost here , babe , you’re doing amazingly . ” My own heart was racing and seeing her i n this much agony was tearing me to shreds inside .

She was going to have to do this five times ? Fuck this wasn’t fair .

” I’m ok . ” Raven whispered to me ; her face scrunched in pain before she pushed once more . I caressed her clammy forehead , my other hand holding hers tightly . Her nails dug into my skin , drawing blood , but I wished I could take away the pain she was in . “

Almost there , Luna . ” One of the midwives added . We were in Kiara’s pack , having spent the last ten days here . Raven let out a scream a s she pushed with all her might , and the sound of a cry filled the room I kissed her forehead as her head dropped back on the pillow , my attention turning to the first of our pups .

” It’s a boy , congratulations . ” The midwife said . ” A boy . ” Raven whispered , smiling weakly . ” He’s beautiful . ” Kiara murmured softly , her eyes like Raven’s filled with tears of happiness . The nurse brought our little pup over to Raven , despite her wincing as another contraction ripped through her .

She kissed our son softly and I quickly gave him a kiss ; he was gorgeous , so tiny and his head was full of black hair . He was taken away and wrapped up in a blanket . My gaze followed him until Kiara told Raven to push once more . ” The next one is ready to come out , hun you are doing amazingly . ” She encouraged softly . Raven nodded as she began to push , stopping when Kiara told her to .

” I’m so fucking sorry you are going through this . ” I whispered , trying to push away the pain in my chest at her agony . She didn’t reply , trying to give me a smile , only to bite her lip as pain shot through her . Four more to go … ” Push Luna , you got this . ” The midwife encouraged as Kiara held her hand , I know she was waiting for any dip in Raven’s stats to heal her . Our hearts were pounding with : nerves , and no matter how beautiful this moment was , it was also painful .

I didn’t like seeing her in such agony . Goddess , please make it easy for her . ” Liam …. Liam ! ” I snapped my gaze to Kiara only to realise my own aura was swirling around me dangerously ” Sorry … ” I said , reigning it in as I kissed Raven’s forehead , brushing her hair back but unable to ignore the tears that streamed out of the corner of her eyes . I brushed them away as she let out a half scream , half – groan , and then , the sound o f another baby crying . I heard Kiara laugh softly . “

Another gorgeous baby boy ! ” I turned as she brought the baby to us , a head full of light hair . He instantly stopped crying when Raven pressed her lips to his cheek gently . I smiled , reaching over and caressing his cheek before he too was taken away . Three more … ” You got this . ” I encourage softly , pressing my lips to hers .

She kissed me back weakly , but she still nodded with determination … Another twenty minutes later the cry of our fifth child filled the room . ” Another boy . ” Kiara announced , a huge smile on her face as she placed the boy in Raven’s arms , kissing her forehead . ” You did amazing hun , I’m so proud of you . ” Raven smiled up at her , her eyes glistening with tears . ” Thank you … for being here with me for the last two days . ” She said softly .

I watched them , glad of the bond they had . My hand never left Raven’s head , even when she took her hand from mine t o hold our youngest son . ” Always . ” Kiara replied , ” I’ll get the ** others over here for you . ” ” How you feeling , Love ? ” I asked her . ” Kia’s healed me , I just feel exhausted . ” She replied . “

Thank the goddess . ” I whispered , pressing my forehead to hers for a moment . ” Two for you , Liam . ” Kiara said , passing me two wrapped up babies . I knew one was the firstborn , but I wasn’t sure about the second . They all looked different from one another , yet there were some similarities . ” I think this one is going to have blue eyes Raven murmured , looking down at the youngest , his hair as dark as Raven’s . Can we name him Renji ? ”

Chapter 119 1

Chapter 119 2

Chapter 119 3


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