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Capture Your Heart novel Chapter 120

"Oh, now I remember."

Karin pouts, "I am not an idiot. You really think I will run to ask for present in the yard? Am I that stupid?"

"You don’t believe me?"

"You are not credible."

"Follow me."

Troy takes Karin’s hand and together they walk to the corner of the garden. He points to the ground, "Look carefully. Do you find something?"

"It’s too dark. I cannot see anything."

Troy gives his phone to her and says, "Look again."

Karin bents down, "Nothing found. Nothing."

Troy sighs, and squats beside her. He uses his phone light to help her see clearly, and points to a large area of plants with small sprouts, saying, "Look. Your presents are there."

"What’s this? Just some weeds."

"Dummy. They are not weeds, but the seeds of purple dandelion from Northern America. I put a lot of effort to get it."

"Purple dandelion?"

Karin is shocked. She wanders back and forth through the garden hundreds of times a day, but never notices there is something different. She even walks over it a few times.

"Yes. They will bloom in there months if things go smooth."

"Why didn’t you tell me? When did you plant them? I don’t even have the faintest idea…"

"On your birthday. I do not plant them. I just asked Yuma to plow the soil and scatter those seeds."

"So, Yuma knows the secret?"

"Yes, I tell her to keep that."

"You two were in cahoots to trick me. I hate you."

But in fact, Karin feels moved and happy.

"Thank you so much."

She suddenly stands on her tiptoes and kisses him on the cheek.

"Don’t mention it. I have said that I would give you a present which would make you as happy as my mother. And money can’t buy this."

"Thank you. I love it very much."

"But I still have my concern."


"I'm worried that the climate here is not right for the flowers to bloom."

"I don’t mind if they will bloom or not. I know your love for me. And that’ all. If they can give full blossom, that’s the best. If they cannot, I still feel happy."

Troy smiles, "You are the most easily satisfied woman I have ever seen."

"No, I am not easily satisfied."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because I always hope you can love me more. I can never be satisfied. I want you to love me. I want you to love me more. I want you to be crazy about me. So, just love me with all your heart."

"Ok, as you wish."

Karin runs away immediately when she finds his staring eyes. She keeps laughing while running, and says, "Help. There comes the wolf…"

Her laughter echoes in the quiet Ziteng garden. Sometimes, you can only try your best to ignore the misfortunes in life.

The next afternoon, Troy receives a call from the hospital. It is from his man. They say, "Boss, Miss Mia did not eat anything all day yesterday."

Troy frowns and says, "Okay, I know."

"What should we do?"

"Continue observing and report back tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."


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