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Capturing the Millionaire’s Heart on Divorce Day novel Chapter 259

Yinxiang Tian thought for a moment and nodded gently.

It should be her.

After all, this was a flight of Mukino Airlines, and there was only one captain named Madison.

Night Han snorted, "We'll train together soon. I want to see what skills she really has."

The girl sitting next to him, Meng Meng, spoke softly, "Night Han, don't stir up trouble. If there's a conflict, it won't be good for both sides."

"Only you have a good temper."

Night Han rolled his eyes, "I still don't understand why they formed this civilian aviation squadron. Can they match our level of professionalism?"

With her eyes closed, Yinxiang Tian replied, "Don't underestimate your opponents. She's younger than you all but can fly fighter jets and be the main pilot of an A380 in Mukino Airlines with so many other pilots. Naturally, she has a certain level of expertise."

When Meng Meng asked if she knew a lot about Captain Madison's flying skills, Yinxiang Tian replied, "I've watched the video of her assessment test. I'm only an A-level pilot."

Although fighter pilots and commercial pilots were different, the difficulty of their assessments was generally the same.

This indicated that Madison had a certain level of skill.

Yinxiang Tian naturally didn't underestimate her.

The fact that their superiors had gathered the four squadrons together for overall training made Yinxiang Tian consider other possibilities.

This meeting might reshuffle the training squadrons in the entire country.

As the A380 slowly started up five minutes later, Madison's heart raced like a spring on fast forward.

First Officer Jack was even more excited, shaking with anticipation.

Landu, seated in the back, said, "Stop shaking. If something goes wrong because of your shaking, I'll take your place."

"Get out of here. You don't understand."

Jack said, "I've been looking forward to this for so long! I didn't expect to get my hands on it so soon! And you know, Mukino Airlines is the only one in the country with this aircraft model! It's such a prestigious opportunity!"

Landu understood Jack's excitement. Although he didn't have ambitious goals, as a pilot, he naturally wanted to fly the most impressive aircraft.

During the flight, Madison didn't sleep but gave up her seat to let Jack and Landu experience the feeling of flying an A380.

Because of this, Jack and Landu's admiration for Madison grew even stronger.

The difference a good captain made was evident!


At the same time.

On another A380 that departed later, Zuo Yulei was even more excited than Madison. If it weren't for the need to maintain her image after just arriving at Mukino Airlines, she might have jumped up in excitement.

After flying for six or seven hours, Zuo Yulei was chatting animatedly with the two copilots.

Chapter 0259 1

Chapter 0259 2

Chapter 0259 3


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