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Catherine Jones and Shaun Hill novel Chapter 2956

Chapter 2956

A grand wedding was held by the sea.

The two couples sweared, kissed, and promised each other a lifetime in front of everyone. At that moment, it became the happiest moment in life.

When Charity went up with the ring, Catherine said in a low voice: “Would you like to give you the bouquet later?”

“No.” Charity refused.

Catherine wasn’t in any trouble, after all, she could tell that Charity wasn’t looking forward to the wedding like she and Freya were.

Frankly speaking, she was quite tired after the wedding.

“All right, it’s just that you don’t want it, not necessarily some people.” Catherine glanced ambiguously at Chester who was not far away.

In a group of bridesmaids, he stood out from the crowd in handsomeness.

Some of the relatives and friends who came to participate included Chester and Charity as a couple, some didn’t know, and there were even a few beautiful foreign girls who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Chester, and some girls even took out their mobile phones to take pictures of him.

Charity glanced at Chester, then looked away, “Hurry up and put on the ring.”

When Catherine picked up the ring, she quietly backed out.

When the master of ceremonies asked the bride to throw the bouquet, Catherine said with a smile, “I won’t throw away this bouquet today. My husband said he wanted to give it to a friend.”

“Which best man?”

Shaun took the bouquet from Catherine’s hand, walked up to Chester himself, and handed it to him, “Chester, I wish you all your wishes come true.”

Chapter 2956 1

Chapter 2956 2


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