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Caught in Love With My Previous CEO novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I Wish the Bastard Would Go Bankrupt

Tina just occupied a little space on the edge of the sofa. She was dizzy and felt her body was about to fall apart.

A faint fragrance came from her side. Samuel usually wore this men's perfume. She used to think it was sexy, but now she only found it pungent.

Jeremy said gently, "Miss Lynd, Anna is quick-tempered. I'm sorry for what she did to you today. I'll propose a toast as an apology and I hope you can forgive her."

After the apology, he was about to pour himself a drink.

However, Anna pressed his hand and said angrily, "Why are you apologizing to her? It's not your fault."

"It's not his fault, so is it your fault?" Jonathan jokingly looked at Anna, with Alice in his arms.

Just as Anna opened her mouth to retort, she suddenly raised her head and met Samuel's cold eyes.

She shuddered and couldn't say a word. Samuel was like Death to his peers, so no one would provoke him unless they wanted to die.

There's no need to apologize."

Tina got up to squat in front of the coffee table and took the wine bottle from Jeremy's hand.

Her voice was hoarse and a little unpleasant to hear. It made people uncomfortable.

"I stood in the wrong place, so Miss Gomez misunderstood me. I'll drink a glass of wine as an apology."

There was a dead silence in the box, only the sound of Tina pouring the wine was heard.

Anna opened her mouth and didn't know what to do. "Who told you..."

Before she could say something more, Tina had already drunk a glass of wine.

"I'm sorry for ruining your happy evening, so I'll have another drink and then let's get over it."

Tina poured another glass of wine and immediately drank it as if it was water.

Jeremy had a complicated expression. Several times, he wanted to stop her.

Alice clenched her fists, and Jonathan let out a soft snort.

However, Samuel just glanced at Tina's side face with grim eyes as if this crazy woman was not beside him.

After drinking two glasses of wine, Tina felt more comfortable in her chest. She stood up and looked at Alice, "Alice, can I go to your room to clean myself up?"

Alice was afraid that Tina would faint, so she offered to go there too, but Tina insisted on going alone.

"Alright. Then wait for me there and we will go back together later."

Tina asked for the password and went out by herself.

The moment she closed the door, she heard Jonathan's playful words.

"Why does she live with you?"


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