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Caught in Love With My Previous CEO novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The Quality of Chief Secretary

At nine o'clock the next morning

Sitting in the interview room, at the thought of what Alice had said this morning, Tina felt depressed but funny.

"You can go and choose an ugly secretary for him. Let's see if he can bear it or not."

Tina didn't dare to make fun of Samuel. When she was the chief secretary, she had no guts to do that, let alone now. As an insignificant saleswoman, she had to ask for a leave depending on Victor's mood. If she offended Samuel, she would be dead.

All the former colleagues in the secretary's office had arrived here. Seeing Tina, they all greeted her with different expressions. Only Ellen put on a straight face without saying hello to her.

Tina wore a bitter smile, thinking that Ellen was angry that she didn't get the position of chief secretary. Tina wondered why some people were even eager to work for Samuel, that hot potato.

"Tina, shall we start?" a secretary, Molly, asked for her opinion.

Sitting at the head of the table, Tina was a little surprised. "Is there no other interviewer?"

Molly grinned at her. "Mr. Langford believes in you. You decide."

Tina furrowed her eyebrows, feeling uncomfortable and strange.

She pushed her glasses. "Then let them come in."


Usually, Tina didn't wear glasses. However, since she was beaten last night, some marks were left on her face that couldn't be covered with makeup. Thus, she had to wear glasses, with which she looked rather cold and graceful. Through the glasses, no one could guess what she thought.

There were three girls in the first round.

They graduated from well-known universities. Besides, all of them were beautiful with prominent buttocks and breasts, looking pure but sexy.

"I have seen the general information on your resumes. Just cut the crap."

Closing those resumes in her hands, she crossed her hands and asked, "Do you have any boyfriends?"

Hearing that, the three girls were stunned. After hesitating for a moment, they said simultaneously.


As Tina's lips twitched, a gleam flashed through her eyes under the glasses. "How many ex-boyfriends have you had?"

What she said was so straightforward that it made them feel uneasy.

"We just graduated. Do you think how many ex-boyfriends we've had?" one girl with long hair said in an unfriendly tone.

Tina still kept calm expression. "Diana Anderson, right?"

That girl with long hair snorted without words.

Then Tina said in an icy tone, "You dated two boys since you were a freshman. When you were a sophomore, you hooked up with a rich businessman, and you almost made his wife jump off a building. In the last two years of your university, you went abroad and had six relationships. Three were Meredithes, two were Aestania, and one was Kalosa."

Seven or eight people were sitting in the room, all of whom were amazed.


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