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Caught in Love With My Previous CEO novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Misfortunes Never Came Alone

Tina moved all her things back to the apartment overnight, and she didn't sit down until four o'clock in the morning. Alice called her and scolded her when she heard that she had moved to a new house overnight.

After finally coaxing Alice, the clock on the wall had already moved to five o'clock. Overwhelmed with exhaustion, she could only lie down on the sofa for a while.

As soon as Tina lay down, her cell phone rang. She squinted her eyes to glance at the incoming call.


The drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and she subconsciously thought that something had happened to her mother, so she quickly answered the phone.


"Is it Tina?" The woman's gentle voice came from the phone.

Tina had endured the grievances for many days, and when she heard her mother's voice, she couldn't hold back instantly. The corners of her lips were pressed down, and she couldn't help shedding tears.

"Tina?" Queenie immediately became nervous when she heard her sound.

Tina wiped away her tears and covered the handset before she dared to sniff. She opened her mouth after her mood had been eased.

"Mom, it's me. I'm confused from my sleep."

Queenie breathed a sigh of relief, "It's my fault to interrupt your rest."

"Mom, why did you wake up before five o'clock? Is the environment in the nursing home not good?"

Tina was a little sensitive. Since Queenie suffered from physical problems a few years ago, she had been living in a nursing home in Jadeville City. Queenie wouldn't call her if there's nothing happened, and what's more it was still dawn.

Queenie sighed and said softly, "Mom just misses you. I'm always flustered these few days and afraid that something happen to you."

Probably the mother and daughter were really connected. Misfortunes never came to Tina alone.

"Mom, I'm fine, there's nothing happens to me. I'll go to Jadeville City to see you in two days."

Queenie said yes again and again. Her tone was much more relaxed than before, but she was still worried, so she asked Tina about her work and life.

"By the way, have you got a boyfriend yet?"

Tina was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say for a while, "I'm busy and I don't have time for it."

Queenie said softly, "No matter how busy you are at work, don't forget about life. Girls can't afford to delay love life."

Tina smiled wryly. Every woman in the world understood this truth, but it's a pity that not all could meet the right ones.

She yawned and deliberately said she was sleepy, skipping the topic.

Queenie gave a few more advice before they hung up the phone.

The surroundings became quiet again, and that terrible sense of emptiness was like darkness, pressing down crazily from all corners, making one hard to breathe.


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