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Caught in Love With My Previous CEO novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Be Low-Key And Honest

Walter turned around to see Tina's calm face, he shrugged and suddenly kept the squirt gun on Tina.

"What about letting me shoot you? then I can just let this go. "

There was a vague look on his face. He deliberately put a stress on some words, which showed an obvious indication.

The repairmen next to them kept glancing over them, waiting to watch the performance.

As Tina wore a business suit, if it got wet, her undy would definitely be seen.

"Shoot me with this squirt, and we're over it, right?"

She pretended not to know and looked up at Walter with clear eyes, which tugged his heartstrings.

Walter leaned back with a surprised look, "Right."

"Fine." Tina walked to the open space in front of the repair shop and placed the bag in front, "Come on."

Her calmness made Walter hesitate, and he didn't know where to shoot.

"Mr. Johnson, break free."

"Just one shoot, don't miss, or you will make a loss."

All around were jeering voices, which forced Walter to shoot.

"Shut up!"

The young man uttered an expression of disgust and raised the squirt towards Tina at the same time, without specifically aiming at any certain places. His original disgusting ideas suddenly disappeared at that time, especially when facing Tina's calm eyes.

He uttered an expression of disgust in his mind and pulled the trigger.

The water power of high-pressure squirt is so big that can remove the scales of fish, let alone for human.

Tina screamed the moment Walter shot and squatted down with her head in her hands.

Hearing her scream, Walter quickly threw the squirt without knowing if he shot her.

Tina slumped onto the ground with a pale face and water on her hair.

The jeering voices also stopped. Someone muttered, "It seems that her head was shot."

"Head?" Walter was shocked, too. He helped her up by holding her arm, "Are you okay?"

Tina shook her head in a faraway look, "I'm fine..."

Her voice cracked, and she was obviously intimidated.

Walter regretted teasing her so much and immediately took her to the car.


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