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CEO Is Chasing Ex-Wife Back novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Cheat on You

Who could refuse the decision made by Zac?

A few minutes later, they sat together in a private room.

It was different from the last time. This time, even Daniel did not dare to speak carelessly. Daniel had been beaten badly. Now, he did not dare to even look at Aurora.

The table was full of wine, but the glasses in front of everyone were empty, and each of them sat

upright as if they had been in a meeting.


Zac said with a frown.

Aurora’s shoulder was pressed by him, and as soon as she moved, he pressed her even harder.

“I want to drink.” She gasped from the pain.

“No. Women can only eat fruits in a place like this,” Zac said and gave her a plate of fruits.

Aurora gritted her teeth in hatred, not willing to buckle, “Looks like Mr. Buchanna often brings

people here.”

Zac’s face darkened again.

“If you keep talking, I will send you to that private room and feed you wine in public.” Zac suddenly approached, his voice hoarse and charming.

Aurora rolled her eyes at him, picked up a tangerine, and peeled it.

Martin tugged at Dalwin. “Mr. Villson, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Dalwin closed his eyes and shook his head. He couldn’t say it. He didn’t dare to say it. If he said it wrong, he wouldn’t be able to keep his business with the Buchanna family.

Martin’s mouth corners twitched. “Could it be that the Buchanna Group is going to have a female


Because Wenny was pregnant and was showing off her relationship with Zac, they all thought…

But it seemed to be a completely different story.

“Do you guys feel Mr. Buchanna treats Aurora and Wenny differently?”

“That’s right!”


The three of them sat closer and closer. Finally, their heads were put together as they discussed in a whisper.

“What are you talking about?” shouted Zac with a cold face.

“I … I have something to do at home. I have to go back now.” Dalwin came up with an excuse, stood

up, and was about to walk out. But just as he took a step, he felt Zac’s murderous gaze.

He was anxious and turned around to scold Zac angrily. “You brought a woman over to play. But we are not having fun. Is it fair?”

Martin and Daniel nodded in agreement.

“You can ask someone to come over and play,” Zac said as he leaned against the sofa.

“Then she…”

After all, some men wanted to have privacy in a place like this.

“It doesn’t matter. Ms. Bennet has seen a lot and doesn’t care about this, right?” He thwacked Aurora’s shoulder.

It was so painful that Aurora gritted her teeth and forced out a word, “Yes.”

Since Zac agreed, very quickly, a lot of beautiful women came to the private room.

Every one of them could sing and dance, and they were very good at drinking. More importantly, they were gentle and knew what to say to make men happy.

“Mr. Villson, I think you look extremely handsome in this outfit today.”

“Mr. Barns, how long have you not called me? Don’t you miss me?”

They were having sensual pleasures. The women drank one glass after another. But because Aurora was sitting next to Zac, and he looked distant, the women didn’t dare to hit on him.

Aurora kept eating oranges, and soon, the ground was covered with orange peels.

She threw them near Zac with bad intentions, hoping he would drink too much and trip on them later. How good would it be if he knocked his head on the ground!

Perhaps he saw through her. He got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned, he sat on the other side of her.

Aurora cursed inwardly.


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